3DS MAX2009公布
<p align="center">[attach]806[/attach]</p><p>autodesk公司在2008年2月12日在SAN FRANCISCO的每年一度的World Press宣布了两个版本的3dsmax <br/>恩,你没看错。的确是两个版本。 <br/>分别称作3ds Max 2009和3ds Max Design 2009。实际上是因为3ds max viz产品线停止开发,而改为3ds Max Design系列。 <br/>他们的方向大致是: <br/>3ds Max 2009面向娱乐行业,比如电影,游戏制作 <br/>3ds Max Design 2009用来替代原来的3ds Max Viz产品,用来制作建筑,工业设计等从事效果图制作的人员。(注,从autodek产品分布来看,3ds Max Design 2009是用来制作视觉上,不精确的效果图。) <br/><br/>以下翻译来自area.autodesk <br/>Why two? We've decided that the best way to focus on Entertainment and Design/Vis solutions is to customize the user experience accordingly. So, we now have two versions of your favorite product to choose from. At the same time, we are ending development on VIZ and encouraging customers to shift to 3ds Max Design. This is one of the reasons we created 3ds Max Design - to give VIZ users a clear path to 3ds Max and something they can fully leverage. <br/><br/>为什么有两个版本?因为我们希望能够集中的,分别的改善娱乐和视觉效果图从业人员的用户体验。所以我们准备了两个版本给你选择。同时,我们结束了3ds max viz产品线开发,并鼓励你们转移到3ds Max Design平台(编者:虽然你还是要交钱)。能够让原先VIZ用户顺利的转移到3ds Max,并且能完全的应用这个工具,也是我们创建3ds Max Design的原因。 <br/><br/>At this time, we are not releasing all the information about the two new flavors, but that will come as we officially launch the products later this quarter (March 25th). So, I don't actually want to duplicate all that information here, just deal with the major points: <br/>与此同时,我们并没有公布这两个版本全部的特性,但是我们会在3月25日官方发布的时候会告诉你们的。所以我不想说两次,你就等到3月25日吧。 <br/>但是有两个重要的部分我必须要说: <br/><br/>1. 3ds Max Design 2009 includes 100% of the features in 3ds Max 2009 - except for the SDK <br/>2. 3ds Max Design has the new Exposure lighting analysis feature, 3ds Max 2009 does not <br/><br/>1.3ds Max Design 2009包括3ds Max 2009所有的功能,除了SDK(注:SDK是Software Development Kit缩写,指软件开发工具包) <br/>2.3ds Max Desgin 2009 有一个新的,曝光分析特性,但3ds Max 2009没有。 <br/><br/>Those are the critical differences you need to know about. We're also working on making each product a richer experience for the specific set of users, so you'll see evidence of this in tutorials, samples, application defaults, etc. They are 100% data compatible and they are actually the same binary. We think this should be the policy moving forwards as it means you'll always be able to mix/match these versions without fear of data loss. <br/><br/>这儿有一个很重要的事你需要知道:我们现在找了很多经验丰富的人来设置这些产品,到时候你能在教学,例子,以及软件等等东西中看到这些改变。(意思就是说,我们找了很多牛人做这个软件,到时候你们买过来看就知道了)。3ds Max 2009和3ds Max Design 2009的数据是100%兼容的。这是我们的一个政策,就是说,你能在两个版本的3ds Max中导来导去,而不用担心数据丢失或者打不开。(一个产品是3000多美元,你可以买两套部署在公司……用一个,扔一个) <br/><br/>The incredible success of 3ds Max in both Entertainment and Design/Vis gives us the ability to drive BOTH markets with increased resources. This is all tied up with the fact that we've also doubled our engineering resources. <br/><br/>3ds Max在娱乐界和视觉效果图方面的成功,是我们有能力推动这两个市场有更大的生产力。同样,这点也能帮助我们的工程学生产力。 <br/><br/>Yes, we expect that you'll be a little confused by this news, but it will be clearer as time moves on. Subscription users will get BOTH installs, so they can play with either one and we'll have trial versions of both up on the web at ship date. <br/><br/>没错,我们就是想你对这个新闻有些搞不清楚(变态) 。好吧,后面的我说清楚点。 <br/>如果你订阅了,那么你能获得这两个版本的试用版本,你能在网上查询到发送试用版时间 <br/><br/>As to the future, I'm restricted to what I can say, but I think we've learned to be extremely careful with deciding that one feature is only useful by one market. If we are to create any further feature differentiation between the two, we'll do it very carefully and check with customers before doing it. Our policy is to ensure that you're never forced to need both to get the job done. <br/><br/>至于将来……嗯,公司限制我不能说太多。但是我们已经学会,特别特别小心的处理一个软件的特性不仅用于一个行业(就是说,一个功能是不是只有3ds Max有而Maya没有,他们会分析诸如VIZ用户是不是要Normal Map?)。如果我们在两个软件创造一些不同的特性之前,我们会非常小心的对待,并问下客户的想法。我们的目标是,使你无需为了一个特性在两个软件中转来转去。 <br/><br/>Here are some features (not all), since we are not launching the product today, just announcing it (this may appear to be a semantics issue, but Autodesk Marketing calls the shots on this) we are not giving you all the feature information like we normally do at announcement. Some of these headings may not make sense without the additional descriptions, but that is coming. I did leave in the descriptions on two of the bigger features that were part of the release effort. <br/><br/>这是一些特性,但不是全部。我们现在仍然没有发布3ds Max2009,我们只是公布他了(这个可能是一个语义的问题,但是Autodesk市场部反正要这么说)。我们现在不会给你所有的特性信息,就像我们只是公布了他,告诉你有这么一个东西可能要出来。有些标题如果不加以说明,可能没任何意义,但表示就要出来了。有两个部分我没写说明,到时候发布你就知道了。 <br/><br/>Remember, this is an INCOMPLETE list, about 30% of the features are not listed here. Some important features will be revealed at launch. <br/><br/>记住,这只是一个不完全清单,大约30%的特性还没有列出。有些重大的特性只有发布的时候才能公布。 <br/><br/>Biped: <br/>• Hands Like Feet Option 简单的不能再简单的控制 <br/>• Working Pivot Rotation 工作轴心旋转(记得max2008的模型模式的working pivot吗,就是他) <br/>• Mirror Animation Options 动画镜像工具 <br/>• Triangle Neck 这个是一个模拟颈部的骨骼,具体看图http://www.med.howard.edu/anatom ... k_Cervical_plxs.jpg <br/><br/>Modeling and Mapping 模型和贴图 <br/>• UV Spline Mapping UV spline 贴图 <br/>• UVW Unwrap Improvements UVW Unwarp改进 <br/><br/>Rendering <br/>Reveal Workflow <br/>• With 3ds Max 2009, Autodesk introduces Reveal rendering, a system that gives users very precise control over their renders, which in turn streamlines iterative workflows and enables artist to render final imagery faster. This key new feature gives artists the ability to visualize and manipulate a given region in both the Viewport and the Framebuffer. The rendered image Framebuffer now contains a simplified set of tools to quickly validate changes in a render, by optionally filtering out objects, regions and/or processes to temporarily balance quality vs. speed vs. completeness. For instance, render speed can be modulated by toggling geometry translation, lighting calculation and image-quality settings, based on what the artist desires to update. Using Reveal, artists can now also auto-generate regions around selections and reuse temporary Final Gather maps at any time. <br/><br/>渲染部分 <br/>窗框工作流 <br/>•Autodesk在3ds Max 2009版本中加入了Reveal渲染部分。这是一个能精确控制渲染的系统。他能够减少重复渲染得次数,这样能更快的得到艺术家想要得渲染结果。这个技术能让艺术家直观快速的在实时窗口和渲染窗口看到结果。现在渲染窗口包括一些简单的设置工具,能够让你快速有效的更改渲染图像。你能够选择性过滤掉一些物体,或者一些区域。或者临时的选择优先质量还是优先速度,或者两者。比如说,渲染速度能用一个滑块工具调整,灯光计算和图像质量设定都已经根据艺术家想要得样子升级了。使用Reveal,艺术家能够自动生成一个选择区域的Final Gather map,并在任何时候使用这个临时Final Gather maps。 <br/><br/>Photometric Lighting Enhancements <br/>• 3ds Max 2009 delivers a number of photometric lighting enhancements. The software now gives artists support for new types of area lights (circular, cylindrical), photometric web previews in the Browse dialog and Light UI, as well as improved near-field photometry quality and spot distribution. Plus, distribution types can now support any emitting shape and artists can have their light shapes appear in their rendered image. <br/><br/>光度学灯光增强 <br/>• 3ds Max 2009增强了几个光度学灯光。现在加入了几种新的光度学灯光类型,比如圆形和圆柱形。光域网现在能在浏览窗口和灯光面板中看到。同样,改进了近距离光度学灯光质量和光源如何分布。另外,分布类型支持任何发光体形状,艺术家能创建自己形状的灯光!(omg,终于自动桌子想开了……) <br/><br/>好了,下面是我最关心的部分: <br/><br/>mental ray <br/>• ProMaterials 增强级材质(不知道干什么的,这个句子两个意思,1。有一个叫ProMaterials的材质。2。增强了Material) <br/>• New mental ray Proxy Objects 新的Mental ray proxy代理物体,这个和vray的代理物体功能一样。mentalray自从把FR的A&D材质和daylight system搬过来后,开始打vray主意了。 <br/>• Enhanced Accessibility of Production Shaders 更容易使用Production Shaders。注:这套Shader功能彪悍无比, 现在版本max有他,只不过默认隐藏了,就像原来的glare一样,这次正式的释放出来 <br/>• Enhanced Per-object Render Settings 提高每个物体独立的设置.注:以前,你只能控制每个物体是否打开GI或者Caustics。而控制具体的一个物体的诸如FG强度必须进入对应的Material,之前的Vray这点做的很好。 <br/>• Improved Render Final Gather and Global Illumination 增强的Final Gather和Global Illumination。恩恩,每个版本他都这么说过。 <br/>• New mental ray Render Elements 新的Mentalray分层渲染。 <br/><br/>注:mentalray和vray优势是,他的3s和强大的Production Shader。弱点是GI只能从灯光发射Photon。如果改变这点,起码从速度质量级就和Vray一个档次。加上如果Nvidia收购后通过GPU加速的可能,以弥补他在速度上的问题。(毕竟现在Maxwell和Fryrender速度已经嗷嗷快了) <br/>另外这次升级没有说明糟糕的mr Photographic Exposure control是否改善。目前必须加一个mr camera脚本来实现Depth Blur和Motion BLur与Exposure关联。以及没说明很多材质的分层渲染问题,比如car paint无法渲染反射分层,以及3s等问题。这点vray和fr做的很好。 <br/><br/>总之这次autodesk发布如此之快。令人非常奇怪,因为他上一个产品周期才不到6个月. <br/>目前autodesk股价因为美国次级贷问题以及美国经济可能的衰退一直下降。所以有可能利用产品发布刺激股价。</p>[align=right][color=#000066][此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-20 17:57:57编辑过][/color][/align]