<p>由digitaltutors出品的Maya视频教程,学习在Maya中如何制作现代城市环境的全过程.</p><p>本教学包含6个小时的视频。学习城市环境的制作流程以及节省时间建模,材质,UV映射,渲染的方法,适用于电影,游戏和建筑表现。适合中级艺术家。</p><p>Urban Environment Creation in Maya A comprehensive guide to exterior set modeling and texturing.</p><p><br/>Popular highlights include:</p><p>Hard Surface Modeling Techniques <br/>Modeling with Texture <br/>Modeling to a Camera <br/>Strategically Adding Detail <br/>Simulating Aging and Decay <br/>UV Layout Techniques <br/>Using UV Snapshots <br/>Integrating Maya and Photoshop <br/>Generating Displacement Maps <br/>Texture Painting with Photoshop <br/>Layering Textures <br/>Tiling Textures <br/>Generating Procedural Maps <br/>Adding Architectural Elements <br/>Creating Interior Illusions with Textures <br/>Connecting Maya Texture Nodes <br/>Complex Scene Management <br/>Scene Optimization for Rendering </p><p><br/>Lesson Outline:<br/> 1. Introduction and project overview 1:08 <br/>2. Overview of project techniques 3:07 <br/>3. Overview of tools that will be used in this project 3:23 <br/>4. Blocking in the set with simple shapes 6:40 <br/>5. Building the alley surface, curb and ground 5:48 <br/>6. Detailing the alley surface 10:31 <br/>7. Adding architectural detail to a foreground building 10:36 <br/>8. Modeling the doorway and door 13:52 <br/>9. Building the doorknob 11:36 <br/>10. Building a large window 9:20 <br/>11. Modeling the quoins (corner blocks) 10:00 <br/>12. Using Duplicate to build an iron railing 13:43 <br/>13. Adding a phone pole, utility box and wire 13:01 <br/>14. Building some foreground pipes 7:20 <br/>15. Combining building “c” and adding an arch 11:06 <br/>16. Beveling the corner and cutting out the windows 4:44 <br/>17. Adding structure to the windows 14:09 <br/>18. Putting shutters on the arch’s window 5:57 <br/>19. Modeling damage into the arch 5:49 <br/>20. Adding corner blocks to the bottom of the arch 6:17 <br/>21. Building barrel tiles for the roof of the arch 8:16 <br/>22. Adding steps and creating more “wear and tear” 5:57 <br/>23. Adding architectural details to building “b” 6:13 <br/>24. Adding a door and doorknob 8:43 <br/>25. Building boxes to simulate interiors 5:39 <br/>26. Adding ladders and cans to the alley 8:49 <br/>27. Finishing the alley by adding debris, an antennae and building “d” 8:54 <br/>28. Laying out UVs for alley surface 10:47 <br/>29. Breaking apart UVs for building “a” 15:05 <br/>30. Transferring UVs between multiple objects 5:47 <br/>31. Using Automap and Unfold to layout UVs for the window frame 7:06 <br/>32. Laying out UVs for building “c” 10:10 <br/>33. Laying out and transferring UVs on roof tiles 9:23 <br/>34. Explanation of texture map location and methodology 3:02 <br/>35. Applying a procedural wood texture to the door and window frames 6:28 <br/>36. Applying a file texture to the door 3:49 <br/>37. Applying procedural textures to other attributes 3:37 <br/>38. Mapping color and bump attributes 5:31 <br/>39. Using tiling to map main alley 3:35 <br/>40. Adding dirt with a layered texture 6:38 <br/>41. Using UV Snapshot and Photoshop to paint texture 9:20 <br/>42. Adding graffiti to the wall by using a layered 2d projection 11:27 <br/>43. Baking out texture and UV information on the arch 5:32 <br/>44. Using Photoshop to paint detail onto the arch 13:16 <br/>45. Applying a displacement map onto the roof tiles 4:02 <br/>46. Creating the illusion of an interior with texture 3:53 <br/>47. Adding background elements - building “d” and sky image 4:37 <br/>48. Conclusion 1:18 <br/> Total Run Time:<br/> 6:05:01 </p><p>**** Hidden Message *****</p>[align=right][color=#000066][此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-25 22:08:20编辑过][/color][/align]
感謝大大分享 谢谢 分享 需要啊 呵呵 谢谢 分享 !!!! 顶!!! hen hao !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 thanks...... 先谢,再拿:lol好东西
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这个也找了好久不知道下得下来不 谢谢楼主的分享:D