[教程]xTrain RPG Concept Illustration in Painter X
<p>这张是有关RPG游戏类角色的概念艺术绘画设计!从无到有展示了作者使用Painter X的商业绘画技法。官方价格:$119.00</p><p>This series gives thorough tour of Corel’s digital painting software program, Painter X. Students learn how to utilize and manipulate all of the tools offered, including the mixing palette, color wheel, brushes, eyedropper, clone brush, and vector tools. The student is also shown how to customize the program to their individual needs. A demonstration of real life media and paper is shown to compare Corel’s digital versions found in the program. These media can be digitally altered to manipulate size, opacity, grain, saturation, jitter, and bleed within the program, giving more control than the standard pen on paper. See how to use hardware such as a Wacom tablet or special pen tool. Finally, a full portrait is digitally painted.<br/> <br/>这张教程给人彻底学习Corel公司的数码绘画软件Painter X艺术设计程序,Painter X,学生们将学习如何使用和操作所有的工具,其中包括混合调色盘,色轮,画笔, eyedropper ,克隆刷子,和矢量工具。学生还学习表现在如何定制自己需要的工具定义风格,演示现实生活中的媒体和平面表现比较Corel公司的数码版本。这些媒体可以通过数码化方式,操纵大小,不透明度,grain,饱和度,抖动,并bleed within the program,最后,完成这个角色全方面的肖像绘制。<br/> <br/>RPG游戏类角色的概念艺术绘画设计欣赏:</p><p>[attach]966[/attach]<br/>[/hide]</p> 正打算学习一下这个软件。提高一下自己的绘画功底。页: