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蜡笔 发表于 2008-3-27 12:24

日本“Graniph Design Award 2”作品征集

[align=left]  Always have a desire to print your own t-shirts? You just might have that opportunity starting tomorrow. Japan’s Design Tshirt Store Graniph will be accepting entries to its 2nd annual Design Award competition. The rules are simple. There are no restrictions on nationality, sex, age, experiences, and etc… Simply complete the application form along with illustrations, graphics, and/or photographs on paper. Submit the entire package before March 31st. 1 Gold Prize Winner will receive JP¥ 1 million (~US$ 9,000), 10 Silver Prize Winners JP¥ 100,000 (~US$ 900), 20 Bronze Prize Winners will receive JP¥ 50,000 (~US$ 450). All will get their designs commercialize by Graniph and be distribute across its 20 retail locations across Japan, Taiwan, Singapore For more information, click the link below. [/align][align=left] 
  商业印制自己设计的t-shirts不再是遥不可及的梦想!日本Graniph Design Award.2无差别召集跨国籍、性别、年龄、经历的各方好手参赛。主题自由设定,表现方式限绘画、插图、照片等平面设计,获选作品奖励如下:[/align][align=left] 
金奖 一名  奖金100万日币+ graniph商品化
银奖 十名 奖金10万日币+ graniph商品化
铜奖 二十名 奖金 5万日币+ graniph商品化[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]商业印刷后将在日本、新加坡、中国台湾等地区售卖。[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]征集日期:2008.02.01-03.31
2008.07.07 于Graniph网站公布获奖名单[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]征集注意事项:
A4(21cm*29.7cm)厚度3mm以下的纸印刷或直接描绘附作品图文件光盘一片请以印制t-shirt原尺寸作图,分辨率300dpi的CMYK形式Illustrator10.0以上,photoshop7.0以上版本,请务必加入联结文件使用半角英文数字[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]其它注意事项:

蜡笔 发表于 2008-3-27 12:24

[align=left]活动网址:[url=http://www.graniph.com/award/index.html][color=#0000ff]http://www.graniph.com/award/index.html[/color][/url] [/align]

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