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火柴盒 发表于 2008-4-23 11:54

(3dsmax) Bathroom--制作浴室里的耳机

[font=黑体][size=3][color=black]"Making of Headphones in the Bathroom" --制作浴室里的耳机
[b]"Making of Headphones in the Bathroom"[/b]
by Carlos Ribeiro


First of all it’s my pleasure to show this project here on 3DTotal one of the most complete cg website in the world.

Everything began in a free time among my other work, at GP2 Studios - São Paulo ( [/color][/size][/font][url=http://www.gp2net.net/][font=黑体][size=3][color=black]http://www.gp2net.net[/color][/size][/font][/url][font=黑体][size=3][color=black] ), I got my headphones and start to modelling it, after a couple of hours I started to make the shaders and decided to make a still. Don’t question me why, but I had the idea to make to headphones in the bathroom, after doing the still I started to animate and my focus was to get a very realistic render in this animation.


火柴盒 发表于 2008-4-23 11:56

[font=黑体][size=3][color=black]Modelling: [/color][/size][/font]


I used my own headphone as a model reference (SBC hp250 – Philips), I utilized 100% of box modeling techniques to do it and that gave me a nice control over the mesh and a nice velocity to make it and I also I did the same to do the nice wall ceramics.

(使用我自己的耳机作为建模参考(飞利浦SBC hp250),完全使用长方体建模技术制作耳机模型,这让我能很好地控制网格并提高建模速度,也使用同样的方法制作墙壁瓷砖。)


火柴盒 发表于 2008-4-23 11:58


I used Standard 3DMAX materials to shade almost everything in the scene, exception for the plastic and metal materials. I did those exceptions using Vray materials, a good option to save render time and make beautiful reflection using HDR images.

(使用标准的3ds Max材质作为场景中几乎所有物体的材质,除了塑料和金属材质以外。使用VRay材质作为塑料和金属材质,这样可以节省渲染时间并且使用HDR(高动态范围)图像做出漂亮的反射。


I used one hdri image as a main illumination and four more omnis to help me out with the specular reflections and to generate four precise specular points at the phones.



I like using Vray render. Many people say it isn’t a professional render, but I see it’s becoming more robust and steady each newer version. It brings me the quality and velocity I need in my works. To avoid the famous flicking shadows I used the medium animation preset and everything was did in a great style (no problems). In my opinion it's one of the must powerful renders available on the market.






火柴盒 发表于 2008-4-23 12:01


(合成) [/color][/size][/font]

I used Adobe After Effects and at this stage I’d like to introduce my friend Renato Ferro ( [/color][/size][/font][url=http://www.renatoferro.com/][font=黑体][size=3][color=black]http://www.renatoferro.com[/color][/size][/font][/url][font=黑体][size=3][color=black] ) who taught me a lot of tricks and also gave me some ideas. At this stage I burned out my brain because I wasn’t to familiar using After Effects, but in a good way I learned a lot! Exporting Z channel using scanline render I got the DOF lens effects using After. I colourized every object separated, at “2D” part of the animation, doing masks of every object in the scene. I got those masks applying a 100% of self-illumination at the material of the object I wanted to be masked and a matte shadow in the others. After that I had all objects separated like masks and the possibility to colorize everything separated. Twixtor plug-in was an excellent option to sync music/animation using Adobe After.

[font=黑体][size=3][color=black](我使用Adobe After Effects进行最终的合成,在这一步,我要介绍一下我的朋友Renato Ferro([/color][/size][/font][url=http://www.renatoferro.com/][font=黑体][size=3][color=black]http://www.renatoferro.com[/color][/size][/font][/url][font=黑体][size=3][color=black]),他教给我很多技巧,也给我出了很多主意。在这步制作中,我绞尽了脑汁,因为我还不能熟练地使用After Effects,但从好的方面想,我学到了很多!使用扫描线渲染器导出Z通道,使用After Effects得到DOF(景深)镜头效果。在动画的“2D”部分,做出场景中每个物体的遮罩,对每个物体进行单独地染色。在要被遮挡的物体的材质上指定100%的自发光,在其他物体上的无光泽阴影,这样得到这些遮罩。在这之后,所有的物体都像遮罩一样独立出来,可以单独地对每个物体进行染色。对于使用Adobe After Effects同步音乐和动画,Twixtor插件是一个很好的选择。)[/color][/size][/font]

[font=黑体][size=3][color=black] hope you guys enjoy the “making of “ and I hope you learned something. If you have questions just send me an e-mail. Thank’s.
Carlos Ribeiro.[/color][/size][/font]


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