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火柴盒 发表于 2008-4-25 11:16

'Summer in Gerona' --格罗纳的夏日

[font=黑体][size=3][color=black]'Summer in Gerona' --格罗纳的夏日[/color][/size][/font]
[font=黑体][size=3][color=black][b]'Summer in Gerona' [/b]
by Miguel Fonseca  (Web: [/color][/size][/font][url=http://www.mikeworlds.com/][font=黑体][size=3][color=black]www.mikeworlds.com[/color][/size][/font][/url][font=黑体][size=3][color=black] Email - [/color][/size][/font][email=miguelf@netcabo.pt][font=黑体][size=3][color=black]miguelf@netcabo.pt[/color][/size][/font][/email][font=黑体][size=3][color=black])
[/color][/size][/font][font=黑体][size=3][color=black]Hi again and welcome to my tutorial. Summer in Gerona (Gerona - border Spain with France), is a combination of rustic house elements in a fantastic light environment in a bright sunny day. Once more i try to combine a variety of materials that 3dtotal texture cd's offer me, i try to explore the power of the light, instead making a clear scene. I add some props to the scene and choose a camera plan that would match my conception of this image. I usually don't use lens flare, but in this case i think that turn the image more realistic. Well let's start with a brief explanation about this work. I used the following steps: modelling, texturing, lighting and post-production.

火柴盒 发表于 2008-4-25 11:17

[font=黑体][size=3][color=black]Main Scene - Modelling

Well, the main structure is simple and made with some primitives, combining boolean fuctions and some editable polys. For the the doors i use box modelling method, making some divisions and chamfer some lines and extrude too, the same to the iron gate. For the hat, i use splines + cross section + surface, the chair was made using splines and loft, and for the vase lathe. My intention was to make a good combinations of this elements in this reduce space, but turning the scene softer at the same time, creating that space in the front of the door, and leave the light came inside.


(支持物体:铁门(iron gate)、帽子和衣物(hat+cioth)、旧椅子(old chair)、花瓶(vase)。)[/color][/size][/font]
[font=黑体][size=3][color=black]Main Scene - Texturing

So we get to the best part, browsing the cd, there's a lot great textures to choose. I start searching for rustic materials, for example: the door have a old a erodes wood, i found a nice base wood texture, i applied other texture to give the brown base color, i played with the dirt maps and make some scratches and marks with the burn and dogde brush and finally make some hue and saturation adjusts to reach the final result. In the unwrap job i overlap both back and side, to match front and other side, just to use the same texture, i put also a keyhole.


--门的纹理贴图(door texture map):基础材质(base material)、色彩层材质(colour layer material)、遮罩层材质(mask layer material)
--最终的材质+减淡/加深笔触+色相/饱和度调整(final result material+burn/dodge final touches+hue/saturation calibration)[/color][/size][/font]

火柴盒 发表于 2008-4-25 11:17

[font=黑体][size=3][color=black]Next job was the wall and arch. The method was the same, i choose 3 different brick texture and play around with them, adjust the color to have a nice final texture. Cut some elements and apply in the right places, add some dirt spots to turn the wall with a older look. In the unwrap job of the mesh, i figure that the back wall, doesn't matter for my scene and spare some time.
[font=黑体][size=3][color=black]In the image below you can see, the others maps that i use in the scene. Basic materials, because i prepare some of them in photoshop first. In the vase for example i use 3 maps, 2 in mix mode with a dirt, i use the same for the bump. The texture cd's offer many solutions for my scene, and i can edit and mix, creating new textures and a great variety. The carpet was found in the net, i was looking for a persian style, to give a more rustic look.

[font=黑体][size=3][color=black]Main Scene - Lights

The scene was rendering with Vray, i use one strong yellow light (spot - multiplier=0,7, color=255,255,238) to create a strong shadow and give the felling of a summer day. Creating a strong bright projection. I also use a key light (vray light - multiplier to give the main light and environment, and to crate soft shadows inside the room. I had some difficult to create a balance between an hard and dark zone and a bright zone, because too many lights and i can blow the scene. After i made some final adjustments in photoshop.
(这个场景是用vray渲染的。我使用了一盏很强的黄色聚光灯(强度=0.7,颜色=255,255,238)来制造强烈的阴影,并营造夏日的感觉。为了制造明亮的投影,我使用了一盏主光(Vray light-给予主要的光线,构建天空环境,并在室内创造软阴影。因为有太多的光线,在保持生硬而黑暗的区域和明亮区域之间的平衡上我遇到了一些麻烦。然后我在PS里做了最终的调整。)


火柴盒 发表于 2008-4-25 11:19

[font=黑体][size=3][color=black]Main Scene - Post Production
Ok. Finally and after render my scene, i made some tricks to improve the overall look of the scene, this time i use a lens flare from photoshop, to bring up more realism to the scene and add extra sun effect such the rings and rays, and give a little glow behind the wall outside. As always final touches of calibration: levels, contrast, saturation.
[font=黑体][size=3][color=black]Main Scene - Final Scene


I really recommend this texture Cd's to every artist and studios, it's one of the best of all, great collection of textures and with a great quality.One more time, congratulations to all 3dtotal crew members you are the best ... keep up the good work and good renders.

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