'Cherries' --制作樱桃
'Cherries'by Vanmeerbeeck Frédéric (Email: [email=LordeX@programplay.com][color=#2f5fa1]LordeX@programplay.com[/color][/email])
I used 3ds max 6 as the main tool in this work. I created cherries with the edit mesh technic and all the objects are very simple. I've just added a meshsmooth to round up the model. The ground is made of a simple plane and the bowl is created with a line, and with the lathe deformer
(在这项制作中我主要使用的工具是3ds max 6。这些樱桃我是运用编辑网格技术来制作的,制作很简单。我使用meshsmooth来集扰这些模型。这场景是由一个简单的平面组成的,其中的碗是通过线条和lathe deformer来制作的。)
Cherries and Ground:
3 different models of cherries were modelled and 3 different textures were applied. I've just copied and pasted the cherries in the bowl with different positions and various sizes to create the realistic aspect.
[img]http://bbs.ew3d.cn/attachment/Fid_11/11_11_18940bc29e8ba9c.jpg[/img] The ground, was textured it with an image coming from Total Textures
(地面纹理可以应用Total Textures中的纹理图样。)
[b]Diffuse Map [/b]
[b]Bump Map [/b]
The Bowl:
The bowl is created with a simple spline and I've just added a lathe deformer to create the final model. The holes were bored afterwards with the booleans.
(应用一些简单的spline和调整lathe deformer 来建立碗的最终模型。应用布尔参数来给这些洞打孔。)
For the textures, I used an image coming from Total Textures.
(这些材质,我是应用 Total Textures中的材质。)
[b]Diffuse Map [/b]
[b]Bump Map [/b]
For create this summer aspect I've used Vray render engine with GI and 2 different spotlight.
(为了创建夏季阳光照射的模样,我使用了Vray render engin和2盏不同的聚光灯。)
[img]http://bbs.ew3d.cn/attachment/Fid_11/11_11_fcec6954b6a46ff.jpg[/img] The first spot light is a simple spotlight from 3D Studio max with a light yellow color to simulate the sun. In the projector map shadow slot I've inserted a picture from a tree to simulate shadows of a tree.
(第一个光照是3D Studio max中的黄色光照效果模型阳光的一个很简单的聚光灯。在projector map阴影缝中我对树来模拟其阴影比较感兴趣。)
And I've added a vray light to reinforce the shades.
(我增加了一些 vray light来增强阴影效果。)
Here you can see the difference:
[b]Only GI - not textured [/b]
[b]GI / spotligh- not textured [/b]
[b]Viewport mesh[/b]
[img]http://bbs.ew3d.cn/attachment/Fid_11/11_11_7b8bd4d2879330d.jpg[/img] The final touch are the leaves. They bring a touch of freshness/coolness . It's just a map and a b/w map in the opacity slot, like this
[img]http://bbs.ew3d.cn/attachment/Fid_11/11_11_2d1596ba04d9d19.jpg[/img] 相片级渲染 厉害 dingqi 效果很好