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高思 发表于 2009-1-5 10:39

CGTalk 2D星级作品整理(2005年)

[size=3]作品时间:12-29-2005, 08:20 PM                                                            
作品名称:Environment: Deadwood
作者:   Daniel Kvasznicza
使用软件:Painter, Photoshop   
作品简介:Hi there![/size]
[size=3]This's my latest fantasy environment painting.
An alien landscape with huge dead tree trunks ...[/size]
[size=3]I started the sketch in Painter and finalized it in Photoshop CS2. The original resolution is at 4k.
I mostly used my custom brushsets, which you can find on my website in the download section ...[/size]
[size=3]Critiques and comments are very welcome![/size]
[size=3]Best Regards,

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 10:41

[size=3]作品时间:12-21-2005, 04:25 PM                                                            
作品名称:The Beautiful Legend Of Sicily
作者:   Yang Ge
作品简介:I like Italian classical painters, especially for those in the earlier Renaissance like Francesca, Masaccio etc. Thus, I am trying to use digital tools to draw my dream.

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 10:42

[size=3]作品时间:12-16-2005, 10:16 AM                                                            
作品名称: Hard Boiled To The Max
作者:   Hoang Nguyen
作品简介:I was going through my comic collections and came across some really old comics. It brought back allot of happy memories, of childhood. There just something magical about holding it in your hand. The cheap newsprint and that musty smell.[/size]
[size=3]I thought it would be neat to create a mock-up comic. I always love those old pulp magazines; and wanted to create something old and something new. Sort of my take on it. I didn't follow any guideline, just took some liberty.[/size]

[size=3]Anyway, I started this a while back, right after the "Master & Servant" challenge. I've been working on and off for the past few months. It took me roughly about 60 hours to finished the painting. I had fun designing her jacket and coming up with those silly titles. The painting and all the texts were created in photoshop 7[/size]
[size=3]Let me know what you guys think, comments are welcome.[/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 10:45

[size=3]作品时间:12-12-2005, 06:14 PM                                                              
作品名称:Spectacular 2d : The Mother Of The Ocean
作者:   Pierre Droal
[size=3]As everyone post his spectacular entry, so am I.[/size]
[size=3]The picture is a scene taken from a tale from Greenland. Here's the story : One year, a tribe had nothing to hunt -therefore nothing to eat -. So The chaman of the tribe decide to meet the Mother of the ocean...[/size]
[size=3]The Mother of the ocean is described as a tall woman, with one hand cut, and whose hair is the ocean.
This particular scene, here, is the moment when the chaman catch the frightened goddess, to talk to her.[/size]
[size=3]I've decided to stretch the proportion, to underline the action and make it more smashing.[/size]
[size=3]Hope you'll like it.[/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 10:47

[size=3]作品时间:12-12-2005, 01:14 PM                                                              
作品名称:Spectacular2d-"dragon Crash"
作者:   Viktor Titov
作品简介:This is my entry for spectacular 2d challenge
It is interesting to hear yours critics and opinions about it.[/size]
[size=3]And thanks to all challengers for their wonderful spectacular works !I hope we meet in next contest[/size]
[size=3]sorry for my English please 8) [/size]
[size=3]On searches of the gone dragon by name "Zigfried", left the king of hamsters "Sigismund fourth"
the leader of the order of iridescent hamster (this the ancient cult of the hamster- fanatics considering itself the true soldiers of light)
After taking with itself the most loyal soldiers: daring Samurai "Hairy ear"
the powerful soldier "BIGtooth", fearless and courageous kamikadze "Hamsterfly" 8) even one large "squirrel the horseman"
they left in the way!
By the rumors reached from the adjacent kingdom, dragon was noted next to the castle
located in the possession of Sigismund's old friend - lord "Gopher"!
At that time the lord Gopher was in the military march, and using this, dragon Zigfried after breaking one of the towers of the castle
reached the wine cellar and randomly trampled the granary....
As you already know, granary for the hamsters is this sacred thing almost the same as statue of the godly iridescent rodent
After this news our courageous heroes began crazy furious
But to capture dragon, it is sufficiently difficult....
therefore after developing artful plan... they got to work
....sequential time after flying in into the already native wine cellar, Zigfried is opened the bottle of "Chateau Tour Verite, Bordeaux "
but instead of the cool and astringent wine, there is something small and furry fell on him, and suddenly engage him directly in the nose,
from the shock and the weekly hangover, dragon jumped out from the tower and even could not fly[/size]
[size=3]further events you can see on the engraving of16 centuries completed by one of the participants, (hamsterfly) he are only one, who had luck not to arrive in hospital....[/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 10:49

作品时间:12-12-2005, 04:00 AM                                                               
作品名称:Spectacular - The Journey
作者:   Michael See Zheng Xun
作品简介:hie people~here's the final image i've made for the spectacular challenge,thanks to all my friends and the participants in the cgcommunity who'v helped me out.greatly appreciated:)
the story:
Mother Earth was a beautiful place where living being thrived,but that was another page of history since it was depleted of natural resourse and the ability to provide for the living.Where when it almost come to a breaking point that Earth cannot sustain life,humans however have but limited choice ,one of the more sensible choice,to leave Earth and to fine a new habitable planet to live in.However,the space technology was rush and wasnt perfected.Human colonies on these ''habitable'' planets looked far from being a civilised nation.though they were living quite well,they were working hard to make their new planet more Earth-like,much like what we remembered it so long ago.Though Earth has been a 'dead' planet to them,people pay homage to her by offereing the lantern of light and hope to her,as if they are moaning for their broken haven

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 10:51

[size=3]作品时间:12-10-2005, 12:23 PM                                                               
作品名称:Image From Personal Project "somnio"
作者:   Seung Ho Henrik Holmberg
作品简介:This is another finished piece for my personal project, which is a combination of art book and novel. I won't disclose any details at this point other than I've been working on it for a few years. Ambition is to have it published some time in the future.[/size]
[size=3]Unfortunately, at this point, it's nothing I can commit to it every day, (wish I had more time) it's just there in the back of my mind, bugging me. Would like to spend more time on it, but as it's a personal thing it has to be done outside work. Think sketch/artbook, less comic book, more in the lines of a novel with images.[/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 10:52

[size=3]作品时间:12-06-2005, 11:59 AM                                                                 
作品名称:Dragon And Castle
作者:   Richard Jordan
作品简介:I am trying to get away from character designs for a while to broaden my skills. I have atttempted to give an atmospheric depth to the scene and merge photographic elements with painted ones. Please let me know what you tink of this image.[/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 10:54

[size=3]作品时间:12-05-2005, 01:37 AM                                                                  
作品名称:Lost In The Wind
作者:   Hongjie Cao
作品简介:I am able to pull out the time in the weekend to do this Picture only, about has used month-long time .The initial plan is completing it bit by bit, tests own patience, has made a draft and divided into several parts to draw, it has completed in the last week.
As for what is expression, does not have any words but "lost!"
The original pic's dpi is very big, and here about 1/4.[/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 10:57

[size=3]作品时间:12-01-2005, 10:56 PM                                                                  
作者:   Daniel Rutter
作品简介:Hi Everyone,[/size]
[size=3]First time posting here. This is a matte painting of a future high rise in which workers live on the lower floors, work on the upper. Based on old Kowloon city in Hong Kong. Rough geometry built in Electric Image, painted over in Photoshop. Comments and crits welcome.[/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 10:59

[size=3]作品时间:11-22-2005, 07:12 PM                                                                    
作者:   Linda Bergkvist
使用软件:Painter, Photoshop   
作品简介:Hi again everyone :][/size]
[size=3]It's been rough, getting inspiration back after the crash. I've done preciously few paintings since then and hardly any that have been finished pieces I've been genuinely happy with. Ironically, the new computer is AWESOME to paint on, so the lack of inspiration has been gruelling.[/size]
[size=3]Aaanyway, a few weekends ago I sat down and started on the portrait of a character I've wanted to re-design for a long while. Some of you know I've got a 'world' going on, that's filled with all sorts of people. This is one of the ones that have been around the longest. When I first painted him (yes, in spite of appearance – it's a he) it was in water colour, when I was seventeen years old. The idea I had of him was to have his skin softly green and his hair black, but I couldn't quite pull it off. Thus, when I repainted him digitally many years later, his hair was green and his skin white.[/size]
[size=3]The next version, skin was grey and hair black. Then, here, I decided to try my original idea again. I used dim reds to accentuate the faint greenish tones of his skin. I feel the colour scheme came out by far more discreet than I had imagined it at seventeen, but I'm finally happy with how I've depictured him.[/size]
[size=3]As for the painting, it's part painted in Painter, part in Photoshop. The background textures are all Painter, while there is a faint, faint stone texture super-imposed over the fabric to give it some more substance. The hair is part Painter's palette knives, and part simple brushes in Photoshop.[/size]
[size=3]That's about it :][/size]
[size=3]Here are some close-ups:
The image as such has been brightened from my original – as it seemed to show too dark on most computers. I think the close-ups haven't been brightened: sorry about that.[/size]
[size=3](oh, and I have to admit: I am very happy with the feet. I'm overjoyed! I usually hate all the feet I paint.)[/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 11:04

[size=3]作品时间:11-18-2005, 09:52 AM                                                                     
作品名称:Decadent Progression (coursework)
作者:   Godwin Koay
作品简介:Hi, this is my first post at CGTalk, so I guess it's only right to include a little introduction. I'm 18 and a student in Singapore, currently in the midst of my A-level exams, after which I'll be off to the army to "serve the country". Anyways, what's shown below (or above?) is my A-level art coursework which was completed about two months ago.[/size]
[size=3]Since I had already posted this at the Sijun forums (which I've been frequenting for the past 3 years) before, here's the original post with its contents slightly edited:
Decadent Progression
Click to enlarge[/size]
[size=3]In his endless pursuit of progress, man has built around him a Machine. It is a construction of utmost magnificence, but though man is its operator, subsistence, and champion, he relishes in the success of his own creation and becomes a slave to it, bound in perpetuity to its artificial nature of necessity. This is not some fantasy vision of a future world, it is right here and now, all around us – the Machine is an archetype of the world that chases after money mindlessly. Just what is this economic betterment we all strive for? Bigger homes, brighter children, healthier lives – everything in the definition of a modern society is tied down to the concept of money, so much so that it is ingrained within us all that such a “reality” is the true purpose of life. From the point we are "mouldable", lives are planned, expected and demanded as mere assets and investments towards the greater advancement of humanity. We become blindly driven by those around us and even ourselves to succeed within the framework of this Machine, expending all strength, emotion and commitment to ensure its eventual continuation.[/size]
[size=3]Done in Photoshop 7 & CS2, original size is [/size][email=90x127cm@300][size=3]90x127cm@300[/size][/email][size=3] dpi (identical for both), but they're presented as A1-sized (more or less) prints, framed and hung. I have had several people tell me that the two pieces shouldn't be placed side by side without a gap, and indeed, the prints are hung a few inches apart (I don't think web formatting can handle that, thus the presentation above).
It took about 3 months' on-off work, not inclusive of the other prepratory studies and (seemingly unnecessary) stuff that was done throughout the course of this year.[/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 11:08

[size=3]作品时间:11-16-2005, 03:12 PM                                                                     
作者:   Bobby Chiu - Imaginism Studios
作品简介:This painting is in my new book "Cats & Dogs Sketches."
$19.99 - free shipping World Wide [/size][url=http://www.imaginismstudios.com/books.html][size=3]http://www.imaginismstudios.com/books.html[/size][/url]
[size=3]Meet the hottest dog in rock n roll! No one's seen such a buzz from a Rockstar since Elvis or the Beatles!!
I had a great time doing this fun filled painting. I hope you'll enjoy it!
Software: Painter
c&c is welcome

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 11:10

[size=3]作品时间:11-14-2005, 11:49 PM                                                                       
作者:   Pablo Fernandez
作品简介:Hello, this is an image made as a personal work. It was my take at the topic two characters dueling in the city. It was for a contest. I started with some rough pen thumbnails and switched to digital. It was interesting to look for different ways of presenting the picture and make a more inmersive perspective.
Hope you enjoy it.

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 11:13

[size=3]作品时间:11-05-2005, 12:18 AM                                                                        
作品名称:Astro Cityzen
作者:   Leong Wan Kok
作品简介:hi all, this is my new cover art for the comic i just finished. This is a bout a kid that acquires a special glases that enable him to c the monsters that live in the same space among us.... As usual, i use photoshop for tis piece. Any comment is most welcome. [/size]
[size=3]BTW,Malaysia's comic convention is soon reaching, from 24 - 27 of November. Hope to meet some of you malaysian-cgtalk members there? :P I would love to meet u guys there on that day, mayb we can have a chit chak after the autograph?:)Anyone up for this gathering? Jerome, see u there?[/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 11:15

[size=3]作品时间:11-04-2005, 04:30 PM                                                                        
作品名称:Well Oiled
作者:   Matt Dixon
作品简介:Just for fun. Presented with respectful deference to Brian Despain, Jon Foster, Ashley Wood and other doers of bots about town.[/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-5 17:58

[size=3]作品时间:11-04-2005, 01:05 AM                                                                          
作品名称:Play Time
作者:   Paulo Cesar Toledo Vega
作品简介:This is a Naiad, a water nymph that lives in fountains or lakes. Sometimes they married with a mortal to get a soul.
This is my first work made completely in photoshop.[/size]

三鲜果冻 发表于 2009-1-5 18:31


高思 发表于 2009-1-6 10:04

[size=3]作品时间:10-20-2005, 08:13 AM                                                                           
作品名称:Clair De Lune
作者:   Graven Tung
作品简介:Hi everyone,[/size]
[size=3]Went through some old sketches and picked this one out to finish over the last weekend. An attempt to mix tension and romance in one shot. I hope you like it.[/size]
[size=3]All comments are welcome![/size]

高思 发表于 2009-1-6 10:06

[size=3]作品时间:10-13-2005, 04:21 PM                                                                           
作品名称:Advice From A Caterpillar
作者:   Chris Beatrice
作品简介:This is an often illustrated scene from the classic, Alice in Wonderland. Alice is almost exactly the same height as the mushroom, and after searching under it she finally decides to stand on her tip toes and look on top of it, where she spots the sedate caterpillar smoking his hookah.
In my pictures I like to include secondary objects and patterns that echo the main focal objects. Here you can see that in how the variety of two-tone leaves, the carpet, and the sun dappling mimic the caterpillar's strips. Similarly the daffodils (yellow flowers) with their distinct petal forms mimic the hookah's bowl and tray. One of these flowers in fact appears directly behind it's counterpart (the bowl at the top of the hookah).
The picture was done in Painter IX with a single custom (bristle) brush.[/size]

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