语言:英语 网址:http://www.digitaltutors.com/store/p...&cat=65&page=1 类别:XSI教学 数量:3CD
Overview of UVs in XSI-XSI中UV总述 Planar Mapping-平面影射 Cylindrical Mapping -圆柱影射 Spherical Mapping-球形影射 Unique UVs-UV整理 UV Projections-UV规划 Subprojections Adjusting UVs with Texture Editor-使用纹理编辑器调节UV Separating UVs Healing UVs Island Heal Tool Mirroring UV Islands-UV镜像 Matching UVs-UV连接 Relaxing UV Islands-UV分离 Contour Stretch UV Projections-UV展开 Transferring UV Data-UV数据转换 UV Stamps-UV图章 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-25 22:09:23编辑过]