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(3dsmax)'Afterburn Fireball'--制作Afterburn火球

'Afterburn Fireball'--制作Afterburn火球

'Afterburn Fireball'
by Michael Seidl


First of all you have to create a basic particle system.

Press "6" on your keyboard to get to the particle control and create a standard flow like you see on the picture below.
(首先你需要创建一个基本的粒子系统。在键盘上按快捷键“6”打开粒子视图(Particle View),并如下图所示创建一个标准的粒子流。)

Now create a sphere on your viewport and right click on it, select properties and deselect renderable.


Now switch back to the particle view (press "6")


Set the following settings:.

Now its time to switch back to the viewport and create a force wind (settings for the force wind are, Strength = 0,3 and 0,6, Decay = 0, Turbulence = 0,02 , Frequency = 2,02 and finally scale to 0,35.
(现在可以转回视窗并创建一个外部力“wind”(参数为:Strength = 0.3 到 0.6 Decay = 0  Turbulence = 0.02   Frequency = 2.02  Scale = 0.35).)

add the sphere to your particle system (Position Object) and the force to your particle system (Force) like you see on the picture below.

(如下图所示,将球体加入到你的粒子系统中(使用Position Object),将力场wind加入粒子系统(使用Force)。)

make the following settings under "delete".


now you should have something like this.(现在你应该可以看到下图所示的情景)

Next you have to create a spot light and enable cast shadow(shadow type is AB Ray Trace Shadow).
(接下来,你需要创建一个聚光灯(spot light)并打开投递阴影选项(阴影类型为AB Ray Trace Shadow)。)

Now press "8" to go to your environment and choose add.Here you click on Afterburn.

[ 本帖最后由 火柴盒 于 2008-4-21 11:53 编辑 ]
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'Afterburn Fireball'--制作Afterburn火球

Now under Afterburn manager select your particle system and your light.

(在AfterBurn manager卷展栏下分别拾取先前创建的粒子系统和灯光.)

Now click on "show viewport".(现在点击"在视图中显示"按钮)

and you should see something like this. )

Now click on "self shadow".(勾选“自身阴影”)

and make a test render(now my max crashed for the first time).


Next step we will create some variations in the smoke look nSUQ


Move down to Particle Shape/Animation parameter

Set the following settings: under low value set 0,8, then right click on afc and enable it, and finally under Hi value set 30.

( 转到“粒子属性与动画”卷展栏:在low value下设置0.8,右击AFC打开它,最后将Hi value下的值设为30.)

then click on the afc and change the curve to that.  

Now get down to the Noise Animation Parameter and set the Noise Level to 8 and the noise size to 1

To the noise size


Right click on afc and enable it, than insert a value of 10-12 in the High value field.
(右击AFC打开它,并在Hi value区域插入一个10-12之间的值)

Now its time to set the falloff type to cubic.


Now make a test render, here is my result.

Under Type set the FBm Turbulence and a level of detail about 2,6.

(在噪波形状属性栏中将噪波类型设置为FBm Turbulence,细节级别为2.6)

Switch to density


and also change the shading type to lambert


change the Light scattering to Rayleigh

Now its time to add some fire to the smoke

go to the create panel, helpers and choose from the drop down menu After Burn Demons and drop the explode icon on your viewport.

(现在是时候为烟添加一些火光了.转到创建面板,帮助物体,从下拉菜单中选择After Burn Demons,并在视窗中拖拽出一个explode图标.)

Set the following settings for the explode (click on it and watch your panel).


Now add the explode source to afterburn.

(现在将explode源添加到After Burn中去)

now click on the colour and make following settings.


now set the multiplyer to 7. R  

Now set the color shift key to 0,2 and enable afc make that curve

(将色彩关键帧(colcr key shift with age)设置为0.2,右击AFC打开它,按照下图调整曲线.)

also enable the second afc and set the second value to 5.Set following settings under the Pertutabtion Tab.


and last but not least hit F9 to render .here is mine.

