ed2k://|file|CorelPainter官方指å—第三辑03_BY-JUEER.LEE.pdf|351910593|70724aca85573ff4bf21a02f717234ff|h=KWTW5HVT77KILA7MVU7FX72JMX2S6JOQ|/ 中文名称:CorelPainter官方指南第三辑 英文名称:Corel Painter Official Magazine 发行时间:2007年 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介:

之前的1,2期有人提供了 现在我为大家提供第3期。 总的来说第三期比前两期所介绍的东西要详细。 特别是教程中的步骤。使用Corel Painter的用户应该可以体会到的。
如果大家对Corel Painter有兴趣可以交流一下。 我的BLOG: http://i.mop.com/jueer
Prepare to be inspired! Welcome to the Official Corel Painter magazine – a tutorial-based magazine aimed at creative computer users with a desire to produce stunning digital masterpieces. Painter is the world's most powerful natural media software and has been in production for 13 years. It allows users to transform photos or sketches into works of art, and its advanced range of brushes gives a multitude of effects, such as watercolour, oil, pencil, impasto and ink. The Official Corel Painter magazine covers every aspect of this amazing software and every month has reader challenges, projects, features, interviews and a resource-packed CD which includes a demo of Painter itself. This is THE magazine for anyone wanting to further their Corel Painter skills or learn how to become a better digital artist.
Issue 3 of the Official Corel Painter Magazine hits the shelves tomorrow! So here’s a brief preview of what’s inside the latest issue!
* We show you how to use the verdaccio method to produce flawless portraits * Want to paint like Claude Monet? We show you how! * Everything you need to know about light and shadows * Master the coloured pencils and make your images jump off the page! * Enjoy an insight into the work of Chet Phillips in this issues interview
The magazine’s available on the 26th April, so prepare yourself for more Corel Painter magic!
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