介绍: 中文名称:3Dmax Vray 渲染教程 英文名称:3dmax gnomonology vray speed vs qulity 别名:GNOMON Vray 渲染教程 版本:3DS MAX 发行时间:2007年06月23日 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介:

Max 渲染技术Vary教程,本教学通过多种尝试,介绍了如何在Vray的速度与质量之间达到平衡
Gnomonology 为Gnomon培训机构最新开发的一个教程资源网站.目前提供了资深专家Alex Alvarez、Meats Meier、Zack Petroc和Scott Spencer等约50个小时的视频内容,涵盖的软件有Maya、Photoshop、3ds Max Zbrush、After Effects、Headus、Houdini。官方网址:http://gnomonology.com/
 If there is one thing that can truly control the balance of speed versus quality in Vray it is image sampling. Image sampling is basically part of anti-aliasing. This tab can take your renderings from 20 second quick tests to 30 minute high quality renders without having to adjust any other aspect of the rendering. They control anything from fine detailed textures, to glossy reflections and refraction, to aspects like depth-of-field and motion blur, all at once. This tutorial helps to make sense of each one and simplify the process, so that the user can easily control the quality of the rendering in the most efficient way.
 Sample scene requirements: Max 8 or higher, Vray 1.5rc3 or higher. All textures provided except HDR. Users must provide their own HDRI for testing.
Post Date: June 2, 2007 释放时间
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-22 12:33:27编辑过]