中文名称:Advanced Photoshop 杂志 资源类型:ISO 版本:ISSUE.29.INCL.CONTENT.CD-SUNiSO 发行时间:2007年05月07日 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介:
 类型: 杂志 书名:《Advanced Photoshop》 页数:90 语言:英语 格式:ISO 网址:http://www.advancedphotoshop.co.uk/flashindex.html 出版日期:2007-05-06
《Advanced Photoshop》是一份可以帮你磨砺高级Photoshop技巧的完美杂志,特别为高级数字艺术工作者定制,每期都包含了精彩的访谈和挑战性的教程。
Advanced Photoshop is the perfect magazine for honing already great Photoshop skills. Each issue is packed full of inspiring interviews and challenging tutorials, tailor-made for the more advanced digital artist. Readers also benefit from an essential CD-ROM each issue. Whether you’re a Photoshop professional or simply aspiring to be one, Advanced Photoshop will help you perfect your art.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-22 12:36:43编辑过]