中文名称:Lynda.com Adobe CS3 系列教程 英文名称:Lynda.com Migrating from FreeHand to Illustrator CS3-CFE 资源类型:Bin 发行时间:2007年 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介:

转自TLF 语言:英语 网址:http://movielibrary.lynda.com/html/modPage.asp?ID=352 类别:教程
从准备使用Illustrator进行或大或小的项目工作的原FreeHand用户的角度出发,讲师Mordy Golding循序渐进的开始课程。本教程展示了无失真的向Illustrator导入FreeHand文件的原理,编辑路径和更改对象属性,使用高级创作效果,以及创建和编辑矢量图像。通过使用FreeHand术语分解说明Illustrator特有工具,Mordy帮你尽可能实现无缝过渡。
Migrating from FreeHand to Illustrator CS3 with: Mordy Golding Coinciding with the CS3 updates, Migrating from FreeHand to Illustrator CS3 explores the intricacies of making a smooth transition to Illustrator CS3. Instructor Mordy Golding approaches the lessons from the perspective of FreeHand users who want to work in Illustrator for small or large projects. The tutorials demonstrate the fundamentals of importing FreeHand files into Illustrator without losing detail, editing paths and changing object attributes, using advanced creative effects, and creating and editing vector graphics. Mordy breaks down Illustrator-specific tools using FreeHand terminology to make the switch as seamless as possible. Exercise files accompany this training.
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