中文名称:建筑面装饰素材 英文名称:3D Total Textures Vol.16 Architectural Showroom 资源类型:ISO 发行时间:2008年 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: 3D Total Textures Vol.16 Architectural Showroom
(from 9iv) 3d Total 推出最新 TotalTextures 系列 vol.16: Architectural Showroom Textures,这是时隔 3d Total Textures v15 两年之后推出的一张全新高质量极品素材,适合于建筑设计、游戏设计、景观设计等,让你的 Cg 作品无限接近自然与逼真。通过这张素材,设计师可以渲染出惊人的效果图来。
It has been nearly 2 years since the last Total Texture Collection was released. After popluar demand and having such a positive response from the upgrades we decided it was about time to reopen the Total Texture Collection series.
Our NEW Total Texture collection is full of great Showroom Textures for really finishing those Architectural renders to the highest standards with as little effort as possible. As with all Total Texture Collections, the NEW DVD now contains 134 Texture Maps comprising of over 545 individual, hand crafted texture maps which are all fully tileable. Each texture has been hand crafted from 100% original photography, made seamless where required, and each having their own unique bump & specular map included. Each texture is also of course totally flexible and can be used in many projects - architectural or otherwise.
HTML interface providing easy browsing and map selection to use with all 3D Software packages (Will work with all web browsers and is PC & MAC Compatible)