'Afterburn Fireball'--制作Afterburn火球 'Afterburn Fireball'
by Michael Seidl
原文链接:http://www.3dtotal.com/team/Tutorials/afterburn/afterburn_01.asp First of all you have to create a basic particle system.
Press "6" on your keyboard to get to the particle control and create a standard flow like you see on the picture below.
(首先你需要创建一个基本的粒子系统。在键盘上按快捷键“6”打开粒子视图(Particle View),并如下图所示创建一个标准的粒子流。)
Now create a sphere on your viewport and right click on it, select properties and deselect renderable.
Now switch back to the particle view (press "6")
Set the following settings:.
Now its time to switch back to the viewport and create a force wind (settings for the force wind are, Strength = 0,3 and 0,6, Decay = 0, Turbulence = 0,02 , Frequency = 2,02 and finally scale to 0,35.
(现在可以转回视窗并创建一个外部力“wind”(参数为:Strength = 0.3 到 0.6 Decay = 0 Turbulence = 0.02 Frequency = 2.02 Scale = 0.35).)
add the sphere to your particle system (Position Object) and the force to your particle system (Force) like you see on the picture below.
(如下图所示,将球体加入到你的粒子系统中(使用Position Object),将力场wind加入粒子系统(使用Force)。)
make the following settings under "delete".
now you should have something like this.(现在你应该可以看到下图所示的情景)
Next you have to create a spot light and enable cast shadow(shadow type is AB Ray Trace Shadow).
(接下来,你需要创建一个聚光灯(spot light)并打开投递阴影选项(阴影类型为AB Ray Trace Shadow)。)
Now press "8" to go to your environment and choose add.Here you click on Afterburn.
[ 本帖最后由 火柴盒 于 2008-4-21 11:53 编辑 ] |