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发表于 2008-4-21 14:37
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"Creating a mirror with unlimited reflections" --创建无限反射的镜子
Creating a mirror with unlimited reflections"
by Sushant Sudame (Email: sushant3dartist@gmail.com)

Before starting this tutorial, I assume that all the readers have a basic knowledge of 3dsmax.
Most of us know how to create a reflecting mirror in 3D max. It’s easy as apple pie. For those who do not know. The steps are here.
1.Create a plane or a box or any geometry with flat surfaces.
2.Open material editor and click on the diffuse spot of any empty slot.
(2.打开材质编辑器(material editor)并且编辑maps中的diffuse.)
3.Select flat mirror form the new material library.
(3.从新材质库中选择flat mirror)
4.Apply material to the geometry. (Plane is the best to choose.)
5.Now, create any object in front of the geometry or the mirror.
6.Add a light, preferably omni in the scene.
7.Render. The reflection can be seen clear as a crystal!

For all those artists who have been through this, know its limitations. Flat mirror material cannot reflect its own reflection. Confused? Most of you must have been to a barber shop? What do you find? Two mirrors in front of each other, showing multiple reflections. Flat mirror fails in that way. Either you arrange the scene to cheat a bit or you use one mirror.
(对于已经掌握了这个的读者,应该知道这个方法的局限性.Flat mirror材质不能反射它本身的反射.没看懂么?假如你在一个理发店中,你将会发现什么.两个互相面对的镜子将会反射出多重景象(按:就是互相反射出里面的东西).这就是Flat mirror材质所不能做到的事情.)

Setting up the scene with flat mirrors can be interesting but you cannot create an animation as they fail to reflect their own reflections.
(用Flat mirror建立一个场景非常方便,但是你不可以在一个动画中建立一个不能反射自己景象的镜子(就是说会看起来很假).)

To create a multiple reflection scene, what can be done? Before proceeding further, let me tell you that the people who have a low end system must follow the further steps at there own risk. Now let’s make the material and the scene.
(那么我们如何才能建立 一个这样多重反射的景象呢?在这之前我必须建议低配置的读者这将会比较耗费系统资源.好了.现在我们将要开始设置我们的材质和场景了.)
1.Select an empty slot.
2.Change the Ambient and diffuse colour to black and specular to white.
In maps, apply Raytrace to the reflection map with reflection value set to 100.
(3.在Maps子菜单中.设置reflection map为Raytrace.并将反射值(reflection value)设置为100.)
1.It’s a bit tricky. Create a frame for the glass.
2.Now create a plane over the frame that is going to be used as the glass.
3.Apply the material to the plane. ( You can also use a multi sub object material to create the complete assembly).
(3.将材质附给这个plane.(你也可以用mutli sub object material来完成这个集合)-就是可以把刚才做的那个材质作为子材质.)
4.Make a clone of the complete mirror setup and place it in front of the old one.
5.Create any object between the two mirrors, let’s say, a teapot on a box.
6.Adjust the camera angle to render. (6.调整进行渲染的镜头角度.)
7.I placed a skylight with intensity 1.5 and light tracer left on. Even without any light in the scene, it is going to work.
(7.创建一个skylight.强度为1.5,并打开左边的light tracer.即使在这个场景中没有灯光,它同样会有效果.)
8.Render the scene.

This mirror is much superior in performance, over the flat mirror. The flat mirror can be only applied to the flat surfaces, but this mirror can be applied to any kind of geometry, even complex mesh objects such as automobiles, characters and even to NURBS objects. If you have noticed rivets or spoons, they have a kind of bloated reflection. The material will solve the issue of creating such reflection as well. So enjoy your new mirror and feel free to contact me for queries at sushant3dartist@gmail.com. Please critic this tutorial. Your suggestions are most welcome.
(这个镜子比以前的flat mirror效果好很多.flat mirror只可以应用在扁平的表面上,但是这个镜子可以应用于任何几何体,甚至是复杂的mesh物体上,比如汽车,角色,或者是NURBS物体上.如果你观察图钉或者汤匙,你会发现他们的反射有一种饱胀的感觉.这个材质也可以通过建立这样的反射来解决上面所说的问题.所以请好好利用它,如果有任何问题可以联系我email:sushan3dartist@gmail.com.请多多PP这篇教程.) |