'HDRI from scratch tutorial'--绘制HDRI
'HDRI from scratch tutorial'
by seger van wijk
 Introduction : (简介)
In this new tutorial, I will guide you into making a simple self-made HDRI from scratch, without the use of a photo camera. As you may know by now, an HDRI-image is the simulation of light in its natural state: as a high dynamic physics feature. Otherwise, simply Google HDRI and find all about the subject. The human eye is so fast in adapting to different light situations, and your monitor is actually so bad at representing the enormous space between the inside of your jeans back pocket at night and a bright day at the equator, that the fact that the sun is so powerful may strike you only after a day on the beach without a proper sun block. I guess the 32-bit room that we will use is still far from insufficient to capture the whole range between dark and light but it does do an extremely well job.
There’s a lot of HDRI photo material available from parties such as 'Sachform' and 'Dosch Design' that can be very useful in giving light and atmosphere to your 3D-scenery. But when your client wants a simple classic four-window reflection in his water drop, none of the beautiful things they sell, nor any of what you will find that is free to use, will do. Then of course, you do it yourself!
(商业上有很多HDRI的照片素材,比如Sachform' 和 'Dosch Design',他们在给你的3维场景进行照明和烘托环境时是非常有用的。但是当你的客户希望有一个简单的经典的4格窗户反射在掉落的水滴上时,他们所销售的东西就没什么合适的了,而你也找不到任何可以免费使用的贴图。最后只能是自己DIY了。)
Apart of course from any major 3D package, you will need Photoshop CS2, in order to be able to merge a number (I will use 7) of “lighting situations” into a single radiance document. This radiance document will have a 32-bit range of dynamics, enough information to actually light your scene, throw shadow and make reflections without the use of specular shaders or channels. I won’t go into minute details of setting up the scene.
(请离开任何主流的3d软件包,你需要的是PS CS2,以便能够合并一系列(我将用7张)不同的照明状态图像到一个单一的图像文件中。这个图像文件将有32位的动态范围,能给你的场景提供足够的照明信息,投射阴影,制造反射而无需使用特殊的材质和通道。对于设置场景的过程我不打算阐述具体细节。)
The final render before we proceed: This image and the shadow are purely made with the HDRI that we will make ourselves without the use of a camera. For the sake of purity I haven’t edited the image afterwards:
This is the render.(这是渲染的图片)
