"Creating Ice" --创建冰晶
"Creating Ice" by Thierry Canon 原文链接:http://www.3dtotal.com/team/Tutorials/creating_ice/creating_ice.asp

created an ice diamond shader for a commercial spot (magudesign - www.magu-design.com). The software which I used was 3ds max 7, and using shake for compositing and vray for all the rendering. The images were not to exceed 5 mn because I was to make 3 mn of animation in one week so...no light, no displace, no GI, just a vray shader with refraction, reflexion and fog. 9mj
(我为一个商业场景创建了一个菱形的冰的shade。我使用的软件是3ds max7,用shake做最终的合成,使用vray渲染所有场景。
制作这个图像不超过5分钟,因为我要在一周的时间完成3分钟的动画。所以没有使用灯光,置换,GI,只有简单的赋予了反射,折射及雾效的vray材质。) |