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发表于 2008-4-23 15:44
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Flight path: 〔飞行路径〕
First, we’ll create a camera that chases an airplane through a tunnel. Later, we’ll turn that tunnel into clouds. If you think you’ve already spent too many hours of your life creating tunnel effects, move onto chapter 3, but skim chapter 2 to make a note of the dimensions used.
2.1. Delete the teapot and the light from before, but keep the camera, particle system and the material.
〔2.2. 删掉茶壶和之前的灯光,但是保留摄像机,粒子系统和材质。〕
2.2. Create an s-shaped spline like this, using four bezier points. Note the shape in the Top and Left viewports. Be careful with the bezier handles – no sharp corners! And since we don’t want any jittering in the camera, increase the interpolation to 20, and de-check Optimize. (actually, we do want jittering, but not this kind... more on this later!)
〔2.2.如图,使用4个贝赛尔点 创建一个s形的样条曲线。注意在顶视图和左视图中的形态。注意贝赛尔点的手柄--没有尖锐的角!因为我们不想在摄像机中看到任何抖动,将插值调到20,关闭最优化选项。(事实上我希望有点抖动,但不是这种。。。稍后再说!〕

2.3. The first point in my curve is at 0,0,0, and the last is at 50,400,-100. This isn’t crucial, but the closer your scale is to this, the easier it will be to match the sizes of particles and procedural maps later in the tutorial.
〔2.3. 我的曲线的第一点在0,0,0,最后一个在50,400,-100。这不是很重要,但是请尽量接近这个数值,这样在后面的教程中比较容易匹配粒子大小和程序贴图。
2.4. Select the camera, and add a Path Constraint by going to the Motion rollout, expand the Assign Controller rollout, click Position, click Assign controller and double-click Path Constraint.
〔2.4. 选择摄像机,进入运动面板添加路径约束。展开指定控制卷展栏,选择位置,单击指定控制器,然后双击路径约束。〕

2.5. In the Path Parameters rollout, click Add Path and click the spline in a viewport. Now the camera follows the length of the path during the whole length of the animation, but we want it to have a distance to the camera target, so go to the final frame, activate Auto Key, set the Default Tangent to linear, and type in 90% in the %Along Path field.
〔2.5. 在路径属性卷展栏中,单击添加路径,并在视窗中选择样条曲线。现在摄像机在整个动画长度上沿着路径移动。但是我们希望它离摄像机目标有一段距离,所以将时间调到最后一帧,激活自动关键帧,将默认的切线变化设置为直线,然后将沿路径 :百分比设置为90%。〕
2.6. Create a dummy, and add a Path Constraint to make it follow the same spline, but now (with Auto Key on) go to frame 0 and type in 10% in the %Along Path field. Turn off Auto Key.
〔2.6. 创建一个虚拟体,添加一个路径约束,让它跟着同一条曲线运动,但是现在(保持自动关键帧打开)回到第0帧,将百分比调到10%。关闭自动关键帧。〕
2.7. Align the camera target to the dummy, and then link the camera target to the dummy. Play the animation, and double check that you now have a nice animation of a camera following the camera target at a constant distance.
〔2.7.将摄像机目标点对齐到虚拟体,然后链接摄像机目标点到虚拟体上。播放动画,仔细检查动画,确保摄像机与目标点保持固定的距离。〕 |