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发表于 2008-4-25 11:31
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Sorting the Feathers :
Next we need to tidy up the feather overlapping by either pushing or pulling the feathers that are not properly ‘settled’ such as the example shown here.

Notice the crashing of the middle feather into the left most feather? To fix this we can first set a morph target in the selected subtool by pressing, Tool:Morph Target:StoreMT.
(注意到羽毛之间的问题了么?整理这里我么可以先在选择的子物体工具上设置morph targe,按Tool:Morph Target:StoreMT.)
To lift the middle feather out of the other, we’ll set:
Brush:Elastic .
Alpha = Alpha00.
Stroke ots .
Z Intensity = 15 with Zadd on.

As we build up strokes over the feather, you can see it gradually lift out from the bunch, leaving the feather’s detail. If you look closely, I accidentally pulled too much of the underlying surface through the inactive subtool.
(在我们做好的羽毛上雕刻, 可以将他们一起慢慢抬高,描绘出羽毛的细节。如果你仔细看,能看到我不小心抬起了太多区域在另一个子物体之上。 )

Switch to the Morph brush, adjust brush size and intensity to suit, and push back any over extended surface.
Give the model a once over and look for any more areas that need this kind of attention. We are almost to the end.
Fluffing the Feathers :
(仔细的调整羽毛 )
Remember that extra subtool that was our backup, named BirdHead? Select it and make sure it is at the highest subdivision. Turn the visibilty of the clones off. Create a New 3D Layer if you haven’t already done so and begin drawing on feathers like before except this time, they are not to touch each other. You don’t need to cover the whole bird but check your reference. In this case, the back of the neck is a good area along with the side of the neck. Basically you just want to break up the silhouette and give a feel of some depth to the feathered area.

Now under Tool ayer move the layer slider back to 0, go to E Smth and S Smth and slide both down to 1. Lastly, move the Thick slider down to 0. Press Make 3D.
(在Tool ayer下面移动图层滑块回到0,在E Smth和S Smth的滑块回到1。最后移动Thick滑块到0。 按Make 3D。)

You should now have a new subtool created based on the strokes just made from the BirdHead subtool resting on the very surface of the subtool from which they were made.
Next: (下一步)
Return to the BirdHead subtool and make it visible. (回到鸟头的子物体工具并使他显示在画布上)
Move the 3D Layer slider back to 1 so the feathers are visible once again. (移动图层滑块到1使羽毛重新显示。)
Reselect the LayerSkin subtool with the feathers and press Tool:Geometry ivide once. (再次选择羽毛的按Tool:Geometry ivide)
Select Brush:Zproject. (选择Brush:Zproject)
Select Alpha:Brush00. (选择Alpha:Brush00)
Set Stroke ots. (选择Stroke ots. )
With Zadd on, we’ll now brush over the layerskin feathers until they take on the detail of inactive subtool above it. You may find you get better results projecting, by rotating the model to where the area you wish to project is parallel to the screen. Also make sure X symmetry is off for this part. If you wish, you can sculpt in more detail to make these feathers unique.
(开启Zadd模式, 我们现在刷出羽毛在其他未激活的子物体工具的细节之上。通过在你希望映射平行于屏幕的区域转动模型。你可以找到你更好的映射。确定X对称关闭。如果你愿意,你可以详细地雕刻这些羽毛,让他们看起来独特一些。)