'Normal Mapping'--法线贴图
'Normal Mapping'
by Misja Baas

Normal mapping is a great way of showing more detail on a 3D model by simulating the way surface detail responds to light. It is a 2D effect so it will not change the shape of an object, but inside the profile outlines it can simulate a tremendous amount of extra detail. This is very useful for real time game engines where processing power is a limiting factor or animations where it’s render time that can be the limiting factor.
Original and normal mapped object.(原始物体和法线贴图物体)
Normal mapping is not new but with the latest graphics cards it’s become more and more affordable. It’s very similar to bump mapping in that they both achieve the same effect.However, bump mapping simulates vertical offsets relative to the face direction it’s projected on, new directions are a result of the height differences between neighboring pixels. Normal mapping on the other hand uses colors to indicate directional offsets, making it far more efficient. It doesn’t use it’s neighbors to determine it’s angle, a single pixel is enough. The red channel in a normal map encodes the left-right axis of normal blue channel encodes vertical depth.
This makes for a pretty interesting image that is, unfortunately, impossible to paint properly by hand (unlike bump maps). Which means you have to generate a normal map, this is done in several ways, you can bake it, render it or convert a height/bump map.