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作者: 火柴    时间: 2008-2-25 21:30     标题: [教程][Maya教程]



Urban Environment Creation in Maya A comprehensive guide to exterior set modeling and texturing.

Popular highlights include:

Hard Surface Modeling Techniques
Modeling with Texture
Modeling to a Camera
Strategically Adding Detail
Simulating Aging and Decay
UV Layout Techniques
Using UV Snapshots
Integrating Maya and Photoshop
Generating Displacement Maps
Texture Painting with Photoshop
Layering Textures
Tiling Textures
Generating Procedural Maps
Adding Architectural Elements
Creating Interior Illusions with Textures
Connecting Maya Texture Nodes
Complex Scene Management
Scene Optimization for Rendering

Lesson Outline:
  1. Introduction and project overview   1:08
2. Overview of project techniques   3:07
3. Overview of tools that will be used in this project 3:23
4. Blocking in the set with simple shapes 6:40
5. Building the alley surface, curb and ground 5:48
6. Detailing the alley surface 10:31
7. Adding architectural detail to a foreground building 10:36
8. Modeling the doorway and door 13:52
9. Building the doorknob 11:36
10. Building a large window 9:20
11. Modeling the quoins (corner blocks) 10:00
12. Using Duplicate to build an iron railing 13:43
13. Adding a phone pole, utility box and wire 13:01
14. Building some foreground pipes 7:20
15. Combining building “c” and adding an arch 11:06
16. Beveling the corner and cutting out the windows 4:44
17. Adding structure to the windows 14:09
18. Putting shutters on the arch’s window 5:57
19. Modeling damage into the arch 5:49
20. Adding corner blocks to the bottom of the arch 6:17
21. Building barrel tiles for the roof of the arch 8:16
22. Adding steps and creating more “wear and tear” 5:57
23. Adding architectural details to building “b” 6:13
24. Adding a door and doorknob 8:43
25. Building boxes to simulate interiors 5:39
26. Adding ladders and cans to the alley 8:49
27. Finishing the alley by adding debris, an antennae and building “d” 8:54
28. Laying out UVs for alley surface 10:47
29. Breaking apart UVs for building “a” 15:05
30. Transferring UVs between multiple objects 5:47
31. Using Automap and Unfold to layout UVs for the window frame 7:06
32. Laying out UVs for building “c” 10:10
33. Laying out and transferring UVs on roof tiles 9:23
34. Explanation of texture map location and methodology 3:02
35. Applying a procedural wood texture to the door and window frames 6:28
36. Applying a file texture to the door 3:49
37. Applying procedural textures to other attributes 3:37
38. Mapping color and bump attributes 5:31
39. Using tiling to map main alley 3:35
40. Adding dirt with a layered texture 6:38
41. Using UV Snapshot and Photoshop to paint texture 9:20
42. Adding graffiti to the wall by using a layered 2d projection 11:27
43. Baking out texture and UV information on the arch 5:32
44. Using Photoshop to paint detail onto the arch 13:16
45. Applying a displacement map onto the roof tiles 4:02
46. Creating the illusion of an interior with texture 3:53
47. Adding background elements - building “d” and sky image 4:37
48. Conclusion 1:18
  Total Run Time:


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-25 22:08:20编辑过]

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作者: phinbo    时间: 2008-7-18 16:54

谢谢 分享 需要啊 呵呵
作者: cxgarden    时间: 2008-8-18 13:27

谢谢 分享 !!!! 顶!!!
作者: cgzhi007    时间: 2008-8-25 23:13

hen hao !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
作者: vivienchan    时间: 2008-9-12 16:44

作者: dudu88    时间: 2008-9-16 19:32

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作者: taisuke    时间: 2008-9-25 20:15

作者: xiaohan9822    时间: 2008-12-17 00:32     标题: 好像很复杂!好像很复杂!


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