Hello everyone, this tutorial will guide you to develop a scripted utility in 3DS MAX 9. This tutorial is for users with basic knowledge in max script or any other object oriented language. Here I explained everything step by step. Actually this coding is a part in my plug-in. Due to coding complexity, I cut short some and added only a few things. If time permits I will explain the rest.
(大家好,这篇教程将引导你在3dsmax9中开发一个脚本工具。这个教程需要使用者具有基本的max脚本知识或是其他任何计算机语言基础。这里我将一步步的进行讲解。事实上,这段代码是我写的插件的一部分。因为代码很复杂,我删减了一些,只添加了很少的东西。如果时间允许我将解释剩下的部分。)It covers:
How to develop a tool (with rollouts, buttons, check boxes etc) in 3ds Max.
How to position an object over another objects vertex or polygon.
Calculating local normals of vertex and polygons in an object and positioning another object according to it.
By using basic coding, making copies of an object according to user selection (may be Instance, Copy or references).
What is Scripted Utility?
Max Script allows us to create our own Tools for specific purpose and embed them into existing max interface. The Scripted Utilities are tools appear in Utility panel > Max Script Utility. Scripted utility is an easiest way of developing tools, since they are special kind of rollouts that saves the developer some UI management work.
(max的脚本允许我们为特定的目的创建自己的工具,并将其纳入已存在的max的交互界面中。脚本工具集显示在Utility panel > Max Script Utility下的一个工具。脚本功能集是一个很容易扩展的工具,因为它们有特殊类型的卷展栏,这将节省开发者的界面管理工作。)
Creating and running Scripted Utility:
To run a script, go to MaxScript menu->Run Script (or) Utility panel
MaxScript-> Run Script and choose script to be run.
(要运行一个脚本,你可以进入菜单 MaxScript menu->Run Script 或是通过工具面板Utility panel -> MaxScript-> Run Script ,然后选择你要运行的脚本即可。)
When we put the Script file into \Scripts\Startup folder then it will automatically executed when 3DMax starts.
After execution our utility is available at Utilities panel -> maxScript -> Utility dropdown list (See Fig01). When we select Object Placer the rollout will appear below dropdown list as shown below.
(在加载之后,我们在工具面板Utilities panel -> maxScript -> Utility 下拉菜单下的工具 就变的可用了(如图1)。当我们选择了Object Placer 工具,下拉列表下面会出现一个卷展栏。)
Fig.01 - OpeningTheScript(图1——打开脚本)
Purpose of our utility – Object Placer:
Object placer allow us to place copies of source object into the destination object‘s vertices and/or polygon’s centre, Also aligned with local normal.
(Object placer工具允许我们放置源物体的拷贝到目标物体的顶点或多边面的中心,当然还要跟它们自身的法线方向对齐。)
Fig.02 shows the final object placer utility. The contents are: +nU',E
(图2显示了完全展开的object placer工具。其内容包括:) 4#TnXxL
About rollout with Labels. Parameter rollout with following:
- Two Pick buttons for Source and Destination object selection.
- Two Check boxes for selecting Vertex and /or Polygon.
- A Group named Copy option with three Radio buttons for selecting copy type.
Fig.02 - ObjectPlacerUtility(图2——物体放置工具)
Fig.03 shows, source object Cone copied and aligned to Geosphere‘s polygons and another object box copied and aligned with vertices of Geosphere.
Fig.03 - ObjectWithConeandBox(图3——被圆锥和立方体附着的几何球体)
Before using this utility:
Actually this tool is not the final one, as I said earlier I added only basic coding. But here I gave you technique of developing the utility and manipulating objects through script. You can extend this script at your own way (At your own risk).
1. Object positioning is based on local normal of a polygon or vertex in destination object and world up axis. So u needs to adjust rotation manually in some places. <&6u]uKrW
2. Scale Source object in Sub-object selection mode (in polygon, edge or vertex).Better use vertex mode for similar result as normal scaling.
3. Source must be geometry object. Before selecting destination object, collapse it into Editable Poly.
4. Modify Source objects pivot for different type of arrangement.
5. When you use Vertex positioning, command panels may blink because it jumps between create and modify panels.
souCopy.transform = theMatrix
fn CopySource numCopies=
case copyState of
souCpy = for i = 1 to numCopies collect(copy sourceObj)
souCpy = for i = 1 to numCopies collect(instance sourceObj)
souCpy = for i = 1 to numCopies collect(reference sourceObj)
Script Explanation:
utility ObjPlacer "Object Palcer"
A Utility is created using a constructor utility with name ObjPlacer and caption Object Placer.
(使用utility创建一个名为ObjPlacer的工具,其标题栏显示为“Object Palcer”。)
Local copyState=1,sourceObj,destinationObj
Local variables are alive untill we close the utility is closed.
NOTE: Align and CopyOption functions are explained below.
About rollout:
rollout Abt "About"
A rollout named Abt with caption “About” is defined.
Label lab1 "Object Placer"
(建立标签 lab1,内容为"Object Placer")
Label lab2 "By Sathish"
(建立标签 lab2,内容为"By Sathish" )
Label lab3 "Mail:Sathish101@gmail.com"
(建立标签 lab3 ,内容为 "Mail:Sathish101@gmail.com" )
Labels are used to display information and it could not be altered. (If u need syntax details refer MaxScript reference).
(标签被用于显示信息,它不能被修改。如果你需要了解语法细节,请参考软件自带的MaxScript reference。)
Parameter rollout:
pickButton sourcePikBtn "Source" width:75 autoDisplay:true
pickButton destnationPikBtn "Destination" width:75
Two pick buttons with caption Source and Destination is created with width =75. In Source pick button autoDisplay is enabled to display selected objects name as button caption. |
checkBox vertexChkBox "Vertex" checked:true
checkBox polygonChkBox "Polygon"
Two checkboxes for Vertex and Polygon is created. Initially Vertex check box is enabled.
group "Copy option"
radioButtons copyOption labels:#("Copy", "Instance", "Reference") align:#left default:1
A group with three radio buttons for selecting copy type such as Copy, References or Instance is created. Radio buttons are aligned left in group box and Copy is set as default.
on sourcePikBtn picked sObj
if sObj != undefined then
This function will be called when source pick button picked. It checks whether object selected or the operation cancelled, after clicking pick button.
If selected then assign it to a global variable.
on destnationPikBtn picked dObj do
if(sourceObj != undefined) and (not isDeleted sourceObj) then
if(vertexChkBox.state == true or polygonChkBox.state == true) then
if dObj!= undefined then
If ((classOf destinationObj) == Editable_poly) then
) messageBox "Select only Editable poly object" title:"Error"
messageBox "Select Vertex or/and Polygon" title:"Error"
else messageBox "Select Source Object" title:"Error"
Following operation will took place when destination pick button is picked.
Check whether Source object already selected and not deleted else display message “ Select Source Object”.
(检查源物体是否被选择,并且没有被删除,否则将显示消息框“ Select Source Object”,提示先选择源物体.)
Check whether vertex and/or polygon checkbox checked else display message "Select Vertex or/and Polygon"
(检查顶点和面的勾选框是否有被勾选,如果都没有,显示消息框 "Select Vertex or/and Polygon",提示先进行勾选。)
Check whether destination object is picked after clicking destination button or the operation is cancelled.
Check whether selected object is Editable poly, else displays message “Select only Editable Poly object”.
(检查选择的物体是否时可编辑多边形,如果不是将显示消息框“Select only Editable Poly object”,提示只能选择可编辑多边形物体。)
If polygon checkbox is checked then following operation will took place.
numPolygon = destinationObj.getnumfaces
Source =CopySource numPolygon
Get number polygons in destination object.
Get copies of source object according to number of polygons in destination object and store it into an array.
for i = 1 to numPolygon do
faceCentre= polyOp.getFaceCenter destinationObj i
faceNormal = polyOp.getFaceNormal destinationObj i
Align source faceNormal faceCentre )
Iterate from 1 to numPolygon.
Get face centre and face normal of i th polygon in destination object.
Call Align function by passing i th copy of source object, face center and face normal of i th polygon in destination object.
End of iteration. sow bg
The following operation will took place when vertex check box checked
numVertex = destinationObj.getNumVertices
source =CopySource numVertex
addModifier destinationObj editNormalsModifier setCommandPanelTaskMode
For getting normal of vertex, we need to do some more work
Get number of vertices in destination object.
Make copies of source object equal to number of vertices, by calling CopySource function.
Add Edit Normals modifier to Destination object.
Set modify panel to be the active panel in the view port. We can get normal value only when modify panel is active and destination object is selected.
Declare two bit array for representing destination vertex and its normals.
for i = 1 to numVertex do
select destinationObj
destinationObj.edit_Normals.convertVertexSelection &destinationVertex &destinationNormalIds
normalArray = destinationNormalIds as array
firstNormalValue = destinationObj.edit_Normals.getNormal normalArray[1]
vertexPos= polyOp.getVert destinationObj i
Align source firstNormalValue vertexPos
Iterate from 1 to number of vertex
Select destination object. As I said already we can get normal value only when modify panel is active and destination object is selected. Make the vertex bit array to represent i th vertex.
Get normas(normal Id’s) available in vertex i. Single vertex may contain more than one normal See fig below (vertex 7 contains 3 normals with Id 8, 19, 24.)
Store array of destinationNormals to normalArray, because destinationNormals is bit array. In bit array the corresponding bit value is set to true and all other values are set to false, but in this case we need normal Id. For example consider figure below, for 7 th vertex the bit values 8 ,18, 24 are set to true. If we convert bit array to an array we can get Id value 8 at normalArray[1].
firstNorml retrieves actual vector value of the first normal in the vertex. In below fig firstNormal =[0,0,1] for normal 8.
Get Position of i th vertex.
Call function Align by passing i th copy of Source object, normal and position of destination objects i th vertex (Fig05).
Fig.05 - NormalExample2
Align function calculates the transformation value of source object from a polygon or vertex of destination object. This technique is also explained in MaxScript user reference “How do I align the UVMap modifier to the selected face?”
Align function with three arguments. A copy of source object, destination objects normal and position.
The default value of world up vector is [0, 0, 1]
Calculate right vector from world up vector and normal value )
Calculate local up vector from right vector and normal value.
Store right vector, up vector normal and position to theMatrix as a matrix3 value
Set Source object transformation to theMatrix )
Copy Option Function:
(复制选项 方法)
The copy option function make copies of source object according to user’s selection.
fn CopySource numCopies=
case copyState of
souCpy = for i = 1 to numCopies collect(copy sourceObj)
souCpy = for i = 1 to numCopies collect(instance sourceObj)
souCpy = for i = 1 to numCopies collect(reference sourceObj)
return souCpy
If copy option function called .
Check the state of copy option radio buttons.
According to copy type make copy of object and store it to an array souCpy .
Return souCopy.
Script Link: Objectplacer.ms
(脚本链接:ObjectPlacer.zip )
I hope this tutorial is helpful. If u have any questions or suggestions, just mail me sathish101@gmail.com.