Hello everyone. In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to make a computer case .This are an easy to follow tutorial. I’ll explain everything as well as I can. I used 3D max 7 but I think it can be done using even 3D max 4 or 5.
(大家好,在这个教程中我将向你展示如何建造一个电脑机箱.跟着教程做将是很容易的.我将尽可能的讲解每个步骤.我是用3dsmax7做的,但是即便在3dsmax4或3dsmax5中也可以用.) )
I always start by searching the web for reference pictures and I suggest that you do the same. The case we are going to make is a concept one from a few pictures I found. Of course you can make your own design.
First make a simple box and convert it to editable poly.
Now we are going to separate the front part of the case from the body. Just cut an edge where the front part should start.
Now chamfer this edge
作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-4-23 12:15
Cut another edge between those 2 we just created and extrude it in.
Now we are going to soften the front edges of the case. Select those front edges and chamfer them then click apply and chamfer it again but this time with a lower value.
Now selects the front polygon and inset it. 4F
Using the scale tool simply play around with the size of the polygon until it is perfect
Note that this polygon will be our 4 places for CD-rom
Now divide this polygon in 4 using the cut tool or the connect tool if you are working with edges.
(进入“线”子物体层级,现在使用切割工具和连接工具将多边形分成4份 。)
作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-4-23 12:17
Our next step is to select all the edges that will form the places for CD-rom etc. and extrude them in like so:
Detach the part which we will use to make our CD-rom (you can use some of the other 3 places there or make more than one CD-rom, RW etc. it is up to you). 2E)
Again using the inset and the scale tools make something like the picture:
This will be the place for the part of the CD-rom that you actually put CDs in. Select the border edges and extrude them in and chamfer the corner edges.
Now using the same techniques make the button the light the hole and the slider of the CD-rom. This is how you create the slider’s wheel. Make a cylinder with 100 sides.
Select every second row of edges and scale them out until you have something like this:
Create the hole by using a 8 sided cylinder
Place the cylinder where you think your hole should be and then select the main body of the CD-rom. Go to create/compound objects/Boolean/pick object B and select the cylinder this will create a nice hole in which by using another cylinder you can make the inner side.
Using the techniques you learned create the place for the floppy.
Now create the ON and the Restart button with the little lights under them and delete the polygons that we will use to create a grill.
In the place of the deleted polygons create a rectangle and a lot of circles which will be the holes of the grill. Attach all the circles to the rectangle.
作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-4-23 12:30
the extrude it so it will become a 3D object. Select all and make its gray color so we can see well.
now give the side of the case some detail
Now for the bolt if have followed this tutorial carefully it will be easy to make a bolt like the one the picture:
Note: I haven’t made the screw of the bolt because it will not be seen anywhere but if you want to make it take your time ;).
After you make the bolt just place copies of it where it is needed.
Add some detail to the other side of the case too:
作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-4-23 12:34
Now let’s move to the back. Start with extruding the back polygon
Again by extruding edges make the place for the supply the main fan and the places for video, sound card etc
It is easy to create all the little part at the back so I’m not going to explain it just see the pictures and try to do something like that:
(创建后部的小东西都非常容易了,所以我不再解释什么,看图然后试着做吧:) 作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-4-23 13:00
We are going to create some holes for the second fan. Select the polygon where you want to make the holes for the fan and click a few times on the tessellate button. This will add some more polygons.
now select the polygons that you want to be the holes and delete them. After that select all the borders of the deleted polygons and shift + drag them back. This should be the result:
Do the same one more time to create more holes for the ventilation of the case.
Now work on the places for the video card, sound card etc.
It is time for the fan start by creating a plane and giving it a shape like that in the picture. After that extrude it and chamfer some of the border edges.
Then add a cylinder and copy the fin several times. Everything else do just like in the picture.
(然后添加一个圆柱,复制几个扇叶的 。参考下图:)
作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-4-23 13:02
Now place the fans in the places you see at the picture and create the metal circles which protect the fan.
It is time for the bolts. Place them as in the pictures
Finally for the little “legs” of the case start from a cylinder
and do something like that
Put the “legs” in place and we are ready.
(把垫脚放到机箱下面,现在我们已经准备好了。) 作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-4-23 13:03
If you render now you will have something like that