'Lighting Basics'--灯光基础 'Lighting Basics' by Yahya Ehsan
We can’t see anything without light. Nature have it own rules, ‘natural rules’ and to reproducing images or animations in 3d/2d space we need to know about the lighting basics; so that our creation in terms of image(s) looks closer to nature. Sometimes we view two colored image and believe them real and on the other side we see multimillion colored image and clearly say it FAKE. It hurts to hear it. Doesn’t it!
(没有光,我们就看不到任何东西。大自然有它自己的法则,“自然法则”被复制到3d或2d空间里的图像或动画中。 我们需要了解关于灯光的基础知识,这样我们创作的图像就能接近自然。有时我们看到双色的图像并相信他们是真实的,而有时我们看到有数百万色的图像,却很肯定的说它假。听上去是难以置信的,但事实不正是这样吗?)
So let’s find out some mainly major or at least key points to not hear that word starting with F. To do so we need to have a clear understanding of the element related to this. To start with let’s have two objects a sphere and a room, and we are in that room. We can’t see anything unless we have a source of light. Just forget for a while about that we have sun or any other source of light. I will be indentifying the elements to learn by heart.
(所以让我们去寻找一些主要的关键点,以免听到那些抱怨之词。为此我们需要对元素间的关系有一个清晰的认识。让我们从两个物体开始:一个球和一个房间,我们在房间里。除非有一个光源,否则我们无法看到任何东西。请暂时忘记我们有太阳或其他光源。我将压缩这些元素以专心学习。) 作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-4-25 11:35
1. For an object to be seen in this room let’s bring some light. As we have introduced a light we can indentify two this in the above diagram.
a.Existence of the light on the floor(在地面有光存在)
2. We just said that if there is no light we can’t see anything so as the sphere is blocking the light to reach the floor, so that part will also be not visible.
And this thing is known as shadow and it’s due to sphere that is cutting the light to reach the floor so it’s sphere’s shadow. It’s also known as cast shadow.
Let’s bring the light closer; as the light is closer you have notices that the shadow of sphere has become sharper. So, if light is near to the object its shadow will be hard edged [sharper].
Okay so we have got to know about shadows let’s talk about colors, why we see a color?
(好了,我们已经了解影子了,让我们讨论下颜色,为什么我们能看到一种颜色呢?)作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-4-25 11:36
3.Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light energy versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. So let’s place a pure blue sphere in the room.
d.color (颜色)
Does it look natural? NO
We have; existence of the light on the floor, object, its shadow and color of course, so why it’s not natural. If it’s not then something is missing.
Let’s go and find it!
4.To understand it more clearly lets paint the room with all pure bright Green color.
Does it look natural? NO
We know that some part of light is directly in contact with that ground, it comes back, bounces, just like a ball falling from a height. As the bounce of the ball decreases in the height per contact with the ground so does it’s! [Lights] its intensity is decreased per contact.
(我们知道 一部分光是直接照射到地面上的,他又返回来,反弹,就像一个球从高处落下一样。每接触地面一次,球的反弹高度也随之降低,光也一样。每反弹一次,光的强度也随之而降。)
That’s the bounce of the light and its will be getting bit of green 9as the floor is green, so some green will merge to blue and produce a color somewhere between them.
e.light bounce (so we can see the other side of the object as well with only one light)
[The bounce light will be from the brightest part of the ground, not from the shadow side]
5. We claim to say that this is plastic, metal, rubber! How we say so, nature of the object in terms of visual form, is due to its reflective behavior. Explore this topic it’s got its own dimensions
作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-4-25 11:37
6. Okay now let’s take some more earthly colors and see the results. Change the light placement take it to the top of object, take it to the right side.
(6.现在让我们用更常见的颜色来尝试下,看看结果如何。改变光源的位置,将它放到物体的顶部和右侧 。)
6. Let’s increase the intensity, due to more intense light same object is more visible so does its lower part as the bounce is also intensified due to original increase in intensity.
7. Let’s bring some colored light; Orange and green. One from right and other from left same intensities; they have affected the original color of object.
8.Objects color is overridden due to the color of the light. Every object has its color but we see due to light so light be the main lead, if it’s colored it will affect the original color. That’s some theatrical lighting focusing your subject. Observe the nature to get more natural images created by you.
So that’s it; if you have any queries or questions you can email me