This is a tutorial how to make a exterior lightning and render with mental ray . This scene was modeled in 3D max 7 and rendered with mental ray 3.4, the unit is in meter.
For this tutorial's purpose, I modeled a simple scene with some boxes (simulating the buildings...).
作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-10-28 10:32
Sunlight : I used a Mr Spot Light, placed it far away from the building, then adjusted the Hotspot/Falloff, as you can see below.
Skylight : place a Skylight above 'the building' . Here is the setting for skylight and Mr spot light.
(天光:放置一盏天光灯到建筑的上方。下面是天光和Mr聚光灯的设置参数。) 作者: 火柴盒 时间: 2008-10-28 10:39
Render : now, we are ready to render. Here's setting for render : (you can increase the FG value to get higher quality).
Result : (render size 600 x 450).
Post-work : I used photoshop to add the background , color balance, depth of field,etc....
Thank you for taking time read this tutorial. If you find any problems about the tutorial, contact me at my email :