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Highlights on the sunny side:


Remember that rimlight/halo look that clouds get when they’re backlit? So far we’ve seen nothing like that in this tutorial, but there is a cheap and dirty way to fake it. Stay with me.


4.1. Copy the emitter (Cylinder01) in the Top viewport, and move the copy just a few units North.
(4.1 在顶视图中复制发射器(Cylinder01),将复制体向北移动几个单位)

4.2. Press “6” to open Particle View, and create a copy of Event 01.

(4.2 按“6”打开粒子视图,创建事件01的副本。)

4.3. In Event 02, change the Position Object to Cylinder02. You should see the double particles in the Top viewport like this. This should also warn you that the particle count has doubled, so prepare for slower renders.

(4.3 在事件02中,将位置物体改为圆柱02。你将在顶视图中看到两层粒子。这也在提醒你粒子数量翻倍了,所以渲染将会更慢。)

4.4. Press “M” to open the Material Editor, and create a copy of the cloud material. Name this “cloud_highlight”.

(4.4 按“M”键打开材质编辑器,创建云层材质的一个副本。将它重命名为“云层高光”(“cloud_highlight”)。)

Change the Self-illumination to 75, and change the Diffuse Map’s Amount slider to 25. This will make the highlight material brighter and more self-illuminated than the rest of the clouds, which is exactly what we want.


You can further enhance the effect by lowering the original cloud material’s Self-illumination.


4.5. Drag the “cloud_highlight” material to Event 02’s Material Static slot.

(4.5 将“云层高光”材质脱到粒子事件02的静态材质槽中。)

4.6. Render again to see the new look. At first glance, it may seem much better, but remember the disadvantages about textures and intersecting billboards? They’ll start showing, once you render the whole animation.
(4.6 再次渲染看下新的效果。第一眼看去,似乎要好一些,但是还记得纹理和交错的粒子片的劣势吗?一旦你渲染整个动画,他们会开始变慢。)

Here is a like wher you can see an animation of the whole thing in action:(你可以通过下面的链接看到完整的动画效果。)
That’s it, I hope it’s been informative. If you found this tutorial useful, please stop by my CGSociety portfolio or website:



好东西 可以试试