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发表于 2008-4-2 14:19
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Ripple Training Motion 3D Deep Dive
业界第一款高级Motion 3D动画教程“Deep Dive into 3D”. 在4小时的教程学习中,苹果电脑认证的硕士教练员Mark Spencer 带您在深度海洋中勘探Motion 3D的三维宇宙.将学会如何通过物体和摄像机在三维空间中创造虚拟三维场景,灯,并直接使用相机行为和关键帧。如果你认为二维工作中的文字,形状,复制和粒子放大等令人惊奇的话,把这些物体在三维中转化和操纵,你将看到它会创造出奇迹!
Motion 3 对你已使用的 2D 工具进行扩展,从而简化了 3D 动画的制作。有了 Motion 3 直观的界面和丰富的工具,你只需充分发挥自己的想象就可以了。发送粒子,创造在空间内爆炸的效果。随心所欲地围绕一个物体旋转相机。任意画一道有颜色的矢量线条,以 3D效果穿越宇宙。Motion 3 让你通过轻松的拖放创建 3D 动画,展示惊人的画面效果和逼真的色彩。
借助易用的工具和直观的界面,在Motion 3 中即刻开始制作动画。制作过程中你可以实时查看动画效果,甚至在播放过程中迅速调整动画设置。任意地探索,试验,播放。无需编写任何指令或操作关键帧,只要拖动一个行为到 Canvas 中即可设置一个物体的动作。当你准备进行更多控制时,单击打开一个完整的时间轴、Inspector 或者关键帧编辑器(Keyframe Editor)做出更精确地调整。
轻松制作 3D 动画
无需学习一个崭新的界面即可在3D 空间里制作动画。Motion 3 中整合的 3D 多平面环境是从你已用的2D 工具自然延伸而成的。所有你熟悉的 Motion 功能,比如:粒子、Replicator、文本行为及动作路径等,轻松扩展至三维空间。
Motion 3 附带 150多种 GPU 加速的滤镜及特效,包括 Aura、Light Rays、Dazzle 和 Glass Distortion 滤镜,利用这些你可以将普通的作品变成非凡的惊人之作。滤镜仅仅是个开始。
在视频剪辑中,为物体的运动自动匹配一个运动的点。利用 SmoothCam 使晃动的镜头变得平稳,而且不影响摄像机的标准动作,例如:摇摄、迅速推拉镜头、移动摄影车等。借助新的重定时功能实现晶莹剔透的慢动作画面,并通过轻松的拖放更改设置。Motion 3 在幕后简化了设置同时增强了效果。
Motion 3自动处理大量媒体的管理任务,并利用苹果公司设计的大量图形元素加速你的创作。Final Cut Studio 各软件之间的深入整合,让你无需渲染即可将Motion项目拖放到其他软件中,从而大大节省时间。可编辑的模板让剪辑人员可以在 Final Cut Pro 中轻松交换视频及更新文本。Motion 3 甚至支持与常用的 Adobe 工具互换。
Create Cosmic Cubes
Understanding how anchor points work in the 3D world is the key to creating multi-sided objects such as cubes. In Lesson 5 you will build a 3D cube entirely from Drop Zones for the purpose of replacing each "side" with still or moving images.
Build Your Own Sets
With Motion's incredible 3D tools you can build virtual sets complete with lights and a keyed actor. In Lesson 7, you'll deconstruct a kitchen set from a cooking show, then spice up the scene with a realistic camera move.
Paint in the 3rd Dimension
In Motion, Particle Emitters can behave like Paint Strokes. In Lesson 9 you will learn the secret to having your paint strokes wrap around objects. This is an awesome technique to have in your hip pocket when you need to add some sizzle or sparkle to a product shot.
Trip the Light Fantastic
In Lesson 6 you will become a virtual Gaffer and learn how to light your scenes using Ambient, Spot and Point Lights. You will also learn how to animate and "gel" your lights to create different looks and moods.
Inflate Your Text
Replicators are Motion's "Secret Weapon" and knowing how to use them can open up a world of options. In addition to using them for building 3D video walls, Mark will show you his killer trick for turning flat text objects into fully extruded, 3D text objects!
Explore a Carnival of Possibilites
In Lesson 11 you will start with a single vector image of a painted horse and through the magic of Replicators you will build a fully functioning carousel then place it in a virtual "park" for your cameras to crane and dolly through. This lesson will have you falling out of your chair in amazement (and amusement).
Make Stand Up Text
Why settle for flat type on a path when you can click a magic button and have your type stand up and face the camera. When combined with a 3D Text Sequence Behavior and a Wriggle Behavior, your text will definitely "get jiggy wit' it".
It Came From Outer Z-Space
In lesson 12, you will have enough knowledge to create a "UFO" from animated Paint Strokes and Lights, then track the UFO down a rain-soaked highway built entirely from Shapes, Particle Emitters and Replicators. You'll even add realistic camera jitter as you "follow" the UFO over the southwest terrain.
These are just a few of the projects you will be creating as you dive deep into Motion's 3D universe. But there is more. A lot more. Check out the Table of Contents to see just how much stuff we packed into this training.
Watch on Apple TV
In addtion to the QuickTime tutorial movies, we've formatted all the tutorials for playback Apple TV. This means you can sync our tutorials with iTunes, then sit back on your sofa, remote in hand, and watch the tutorials on your Hi-Def monitor connected over DVI. The picutre quality is stunning.
Who is this Tutorial for?
Anyone desiring to take their knowledge of Motion to the next level will benefit greatly from this tutorial. This tutorial was designed specifically for users of Motion 3 who already have a foundational understanding of the program. For those of you who need to get up to speed, we highly recommend purchasing our introductory Motion product, "Motion 3 Fast Forward" before diving into this tutorial.
What's on this DVD-ROM?
The entire tutorial comprises 12 lessons with a running time of aproximately 4 hours. Each lesson can be viewed as a stand-alone module. However, because of the complex nature of this subject matter we recommend watching each lesson in its entirety and in order. All lessons include chapter markers so you can go back and watch the sections you need to review. All the project files and media are included with this tutorial in case you want to follow along in your own copy of Motion 3.
About the Instuctor
Mark Spencer is a bay area-based producer, editor, teacher and writer. He owns Day Street Productions, Inc. (www.daystreet.com), a production and post studio focused on corporate video. Mark is also an Apple-certified instructor teaching regularly at BAVC, Stanford University and MacWorld. Mark is the author of the Apple Pro Training Series book Motion Graphics and Effects in Final Cut Studio, contributing author of the APTS Motion book, and author of the Motion Visual Quickstart Guide, all from Peachpit Press. |
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