标签: THE

  版块 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
Creative Essence The Face Modeling And Texturing[教程] ... 1 2 3 BT/EM资源交流区 火柴 2008-4-13 23 / 13654 animatist 2008-12-20 20:35
[教程]Gnomonology The Making Of Jester ... 1 2 BT/EM资源交流区 火柴 2008-2-17 12 / 8102 zddu 2008-11-12 21:42
The 80's Street Trash CG作品欣赏 蜡笔 2008-11-4 0 / 2446 蜡笔 2008-11-4 13:46
'Making of The Hidden City'--制作隐匿的城市 国外教程翻译 火柴盒 2008-4-25 5 / 3627 牛超 2008-10-5 15:29
[素材]The Finest CG Car Collection Vol.1[极品车模] ... 1 2 BT/EM资源交流区 火柴 2008-2-22 14 / 9045 josephtsun 2008-8-21 09:29
HEMERA.THE.BIG.BOX.OF.ART.350.000.VOL(01~22)-HELL[图像素材22CD] 火柴 2007-5-28 4 / 3953 agulv2 2008-6-3 11:33
Creative Essence The Face Modeling And Texturing[面部建模与纹理] 火柴 2008-4-10 1 / 3894 ywbaggio 2008-5-29 14:30
[Softimage XSI ]"The making of The Rusty Meter" 国外教程翻译 蜡笔 2008-2-21 1 / 2785 蜡笔 2008-2-21 15:17
[Project Overviews]"Making of:The Water Generators"by Cesar Romero 国外教程翻译 蜡笔 2008-2-20 5 / 3698 蜡笔 2008-2-20 13:31
[教程]CGTOOLKIT THE ART OF RIGGING VOLUME 2 BT/EM资源交流区 火柴 2008-2-18 0 / 2939 火柴 2008-2-18 13:49
[3dsmax]('Project Overview')'Texturing The Temple' By Chen Qingfeng 国外教程翻译 蜡笔 2008-2-17 3 / 3283 蜡笔 2008-2-17 11:10
The demon form my nightmares... Maya技术交流 nsxz 2006-12-26 7 / 4772 在刷牙的兔子 2007-11-13 23:24
Lynda.com.Dreamweaver.8.Beyond.The.Basics[网页设计教程] 火柴 2007-4-16 0 / 2747 火柴 2007-4-16 23:34