
[ 88 主题 / 278 回复 ]

版块介绍: 国外知名CG网站精品教程翻译专版

版主: 陈淇, wangjun

    标题 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
common   Instancers 制作蝴蝶群舞 蜡笔 2008-3-21 0/3686 蜡笔 2008-3-21 13:40
common   LightWave|HDRI 照明及渲染技术祥解 蜡笔 2008-3-21 0/2955 蜡笔 2008-3-21 13:38
common   “新加德满都”背景彩绘揭秘 蜡笔 2008-3-16 0/3846 蜡笔 2008-3-16 13:41
common   3ds Max发光材质在MentalRay中的应用 蜡笔 2008-3-16 0/3407 蜡笔 2008-3-16 13:40
common   Maya+ZBrush合力打造最in的卡通角色 蜡笔 2008-3-16 1/4151 蜡笔 2008-3-16 13:39
common   [Project Overviews]"There's always a bigger rat"by Dough 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-21 1/2791 蜡笔 2008-2-21 15:23
common   Photoshop" Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General Surface" 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-21 2/2394 蜡笔 2008-2-21 15:21
common   [Softimage XSI ]"The making of The Rusty Meter" 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-21 1/2784 蜡笔 2008-2-21 15:17
common   [Project Overviews]"Window to the Courtyard"by Martin Ernst 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-21 1/3121 蜡笔 2008-2-21 15:16
common   [Project Overviews]"To dirt or not to dirt"by oxhido 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-21 1/2582 蜡笔 2008-2-21 15:14
common   [Project Overviews]"Making of:The Water Generators"by Cesar Romero 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-20 5/3697 蜡笔 2008-2-20 13:31
common   [Project Overviews]"Making of:The Spider"by Martin Ernst 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-20 2/2532 蜡笔 2008-2-20 13:23
common   [Project Overviews]"Making of:La hacienda"by Daniel Schmid leal 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-20 7/2479 蜡笔 2008-2-20 13:20
common   [Project Overviews]"Making of the Worm"by Raymond O'Doul 附件 火柴 2008-2-19 5/2671 蜡笔 2008-2-19 14:56
common   [Project Overviews]"Made from Junk"by Matthew Hansel 附件 火柴 2008-2-19 2/2218 火柴 2008-2-19 14:50
common   [Project Overviews]"Helms Deep"by Patrick Pirker 附件 火柴 2008-2-19 3/2318 火柴 2008-2-19 14:42
common   [Project Overviews]"Bounded by Destiny"by Toni Bratincevic 附件 火柴 2008-2-19 4/2290 火柴 2008-2-19 14:38
common   [Project Overviews]"Ⅲ Autumn"by f2creative.net 附件 火柴 2008-2-19 4/2913 火柴 2008-2-19 13:06
common   [Lightwave][Project Overviews]"UNIT 35"by Stephane Israel 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-18 1/3230 蜡笔 2008-2-18 14:45
common   [Lightwave][Project Overviews]"Making of:The Diner"by Jason Lee 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-18 5/2989 蜡笔 2008-2-18 14:38
common   [Lightwave][Project Overviews]"Making of the Hagia Sophia"by Juan 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-17 4/2539 蜡笔 2008-2-17 12:44
common   [Lightwave][Project Overviews]"Backyard"by Christian Waadt 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-17 3/2593 蜡笔 2008-2-17 12:32
common   [LightWave][Project Overview]'African Mole Warrior' by Pete Sussi 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-17 3/2410 蜡笔 2008-2-17 11:41
common   [3DSMAX](Project Overviews)"Making of the Post-apocalyptic Hunter" 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-17 4/2771 蜡笔 2008-2-17 11:27
common   [3dsmax]('Project Overview')'Texturing The Temple' By Chen Qingfeng 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-17 3/3281 蜡笔 2008-2-17 11:10
common   [3d Studio Max]"CLOUD TUTORIAL [ AFTERBURN ] "by Daniel P.Ferreira 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-17 0/3067 蜡笔 2008-2-17 10:53
common   [3d Studio Max][Project Overviews]"Natalie" by Dani Garcia aka Wo 附件 蜡笔 2008-2-15 7/2452 蜡笔 2008-2-15 14:04
common   [原创]3ds Max&GroundCrew制作纸箱和泡沫塑料材质 附件 陈淇 2007-1-17 9/3858 在刷牙的兔子 2007-11-13 22:48
common   渲染器finalRender STAGE1 2.0 for MAX视频教程 附件 高思 2007-6-14 0/2718 高思 2007-6-14 11:28
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